D ok godina zbraja svoje poslednje da- ne, izuzetan je ose- ćaj prošetati duž mora, uživati u sun- cu Herceg Novog, gledati buru dok peni, obići Kuću nobelovca Iva An- drića, tvrđave, muzeje i galerije. Ako ste pak ljubitelj planina i avanturizma, na nepun sat vožnje od morske obale čeka vas Orjen, planina Dinarskog sistema pre- poznata po lepoti prirode, kraš- kih masiva i endemičnih biljnih vr- sta. Važno je samo odabrati jednu od ponuđenih izletničkih tura, u skladu sa fizičkom spremnošću, i u pratnji stručnog vodiča osetiti je- dinstvenost mesta gde se Medite- ran stapa sa gorštačkom snagom. Ne spava Herceg Novi ni zimi jer decembar otvara vrata novogo- dišnjoj čaroliji uz izuzetne bazare i različite programe za decu i odra- sle. Najmlađi će uživati uz Leonti- nu, Tijanu Dapčević i horove, malo stariji u koncertu Radeta Šerbed- žije, a za doček Nove 2025. godi- ne nastupiće velike zvezde poput Svetlane Cece Ražnatović, „Crve- ne jabuke“, Breskvice i Vojaža. No- vogodišnja magija traje i u luksu- znom kompleksu „Portonovi“ uz bazar i koncerte otvorene za jav- nost. Dovoljno razloga da zavoli- te Herceg Novi i u decembru i ot- krijete kako ovaj divni grad izgleda kada vreme ne provodite na nje- govim plažama. Uživaćete!
Decembar otvara vrata novogodišnjoj čaroliji uz izuzetne bazare i različite programe December opens the door to the festive magic of the winter holidays with outstanding bazaars and various programmes
hile the year counts down to its conclusion, an extraordinary feeling awaits
Herceg Novi doesn’t even sleep during the winter, when December opens the door to the festive mag- ic of the winter holidays with out- standing bazaars and various pro- grammes for both children and adults. The youngest revellers will enjoy the performances of Leontina, Tijana Dapčević and the choirs, and slightly older guests will enjoy the concert of Rade Šerbedžija, while New Year’s Eve and the welcom- ing of 2025 will include the perfor- mances of major stars like Svetlana ’Ceca’ Ražnatović, Crvena Jabuka, Breskvica and Voyage. The festive magic continues at the luxurious Portonovi complex, with winter ba- zaars and concerts that are open to the public. This all provides ample reason for you to fall in love with Herceg Novi in December, and to discover how this wonderful city looks when you don’t spend all your time on its beaches. You’re sure to enjoy yourself!
those who stroll the seafront and enjoy the sun in Herceg Novi, watch- ing the stormy sea foaming, visit- ing the House of Nobel laureate Ivo Andrić, fortresses, museums and galleries. If you nonetheless love moun- tains and adventure tourism, you are awaited less than an hour’s drive from the coast by Orjen, a mountain of the Dinaric system that’s recog- nised for its natural beauty, karst massifs and endemic plant species. All that matters is that you choose one of the excursion tours on of- fer, in accordance with your level of physical fitness and accompanied by a professional guide who will help you experience the uniqueness of this place where the Mediterrane- an meets these mighty highlands.
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