Elevate December 2024 | Air Serbia

Dušan Borković je pobedio u najopasnijoj uličnoj trci u Makau, što je prva srpska pobeda na FIA Svetskom prvenstvu. Srpska himna odjekivala je u Kini, a Dušan je ušao u istoriju

Chinese dynamism and innovation. Still, nothing can beat Cantonese cui- sine! I tried some authentic dishes and am certain that you won’t ex- perience Cantonese food anywhere better than at its source. I couldn’t resist visiting one of the city’s most impressive symbols: Canton Tower. This 604-metre-tall tower provides spectacular views of the city, and I think we proved a perfect fit for one another, given that I’m the tall- est professional racing driver in the world, at 207 cm tall! I enjoyed the view from the top and can say that Guangzhou won me over. Its combi- nation of tradition and modern sky- scrapers really leaves an impression, and it seems from the top that the whole world is at your fingertips. Guangzhou isn’t only a tourist gem, but also a leading hub of trade. As one of the key contributors to the Chinese economy, this city provides the ideal opportunity to cooperate with Serbia. I’m delighted that we’re now separated by just a single flight! Air Serbia and me It was more than a decade ago, or 11 years to be precise, that Air Serbia and I embarked on our in- ternational travels. It was difficult back then to even imagine that a Ser- bian driver would conquer circuits the world over, just as the national airline didn’t then have the kind of network of destinations it has today. But here we are, 11 years on – con- quering the world together, me be- hind the wheel and them with the wings that serve to connect me and my team to all racing destinations. We’ve travelled the world together throughout all these years – and es- pecially Europe, America and Asia, where we’ve mounted world podi- ums together on multiple occasions. The Air Serbia crew welcomes me aboard every flight like a friend; like someone whose racing mission has become part of their own story. That feeling of belonging and support is something that has meant a lot to me – it’s been easier to leave behind everything that’s familiar at home in the knowledge that Air Serbia is alongside me and my team.

Ko je Dušan Najviši je profesionalni automobilista na sve- tu sa visinom od 207 cm. Njegov otac Jovan bio je dvostruki šampion SFRJ u moto-trka- ma i šampion bivše Jugoslavije u trkama kami- ona. Dušan je automobilizmom počeo da se bavi 1994. Prvi Srbin šampion Evrope u auto- mobilizmu u FIA Evropskom brdskom prven- stvu 2012, trećeplasirani u Evropskom kupu turing automobila 2013. i prvi Srbin koji se ta- kmiči u najprestižnijem svetskom takmičenju na kružnim stazama – Svetskom šampionatu turing automobila (WTCC) u klasi TC1. Pored pomenutih evropskih, osvojio je i dvanaest na- cionalnih šampionskih titula, tri zlatne i jednu Dijamantsku kacigu. Najmlađi je dobitnik ove nagrade u istoriji automobilizma.

Dušan Borković won the most dangerous street race in Macau, which is the first Serbian victory in the FIA ​World Championship. The Serbian national anthem echoed in China, and Dušan entered history

WHO IS DUŠAN He is the world’s tallest professional racing driv- er, at a height of 207 cm. His father, Jovan, was a two-time champion of the former Yugosla- via in motorcycle racing and national champi- on in truck racing. Dušan started racing in 1994. He is Serbia’s first ever European motor rac- ing champion, having won the 2012 FIA Europe- an Hill Climb Championship, while he also se- cured third place in the 2013 European Touring Car Cup and is the first Serb to compete in the world’s most prestigious circuit competition - the World Touring Car Championship (WTCC) in the TC1 class. Apart from these European titles, he has also won 12 national championship titles, three Gold helmets and one Diamond helmet. He is the youngest winner of this award in the history of auto racing.

Guangzhou » Guangdžou | 109

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