Elevate December 2024 | Air Serbia


Svetski samit o avijaciji CAPA 2024 svojim obraćanjem svečano je 21. novembra otvorio predsednik Republike Srbije Aleksandar Vučić / The CAPA Airline Leader Summit was opened on 21 st November, with a ceremonial address given by Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić

NA SAMITU KOJI JEDNOM GODIŠ- NJE ORGANIZUJE renomirana ek- spertska organizacija Centar za avi- jaciju (CAPA), a čiji su domaćini Grad Beograd i Er Srbija, okupilo se više od 250 globalnih lidera avio-industri- je, među kojima su Stiven Udvar Ha- zi, predsednik izvršnog odbora kom- panije Er liz korporejšn, Martin Gaus, generalni direktor avio-kompani- je Er Baltik, Kon Korfiatis, general- ni direktor kompanije Oman er, Haj- ke Birlenbah, komercijalna direktorka kompanije Svis internešnal erlajns, Monserat Bariga, generalna direk- torka ERA, Guliz Ozturk, generalna direktorka Pegazus erlajnsa i mno- gi drugi. Tokom dva dana Svetskog sa- mita, visoki predstavnici najvažnijih globalnih i regionalnih avio-kompani- ja, aerodroma i drugi učesnici u lan- cu vazdušnog prevoza putnika i ro- be, turizma i kongresnih putovanja razmenili su mišljenja o savremenim trendovima i najvažnijim aspektima avio-industrije, ali i njenoj budućno- sti. Kroz dinamične panele i spon- tane diskusije, učesnici su javnosti predstavili aktuelne inovacije i re- volucionarne ideje koje su obeležile 2024. godinu u avijaciji. – Čast mi je i zadovoljstvo što su Grad Beograd i Er Srbija doma- ćini prestižnog CAPA Svetskog sa- mita u avijaciji, jednog od najvažnijih događaja u globalnoj avio-industri- ji. Dolazak Samita u prestonicu Sr- bije pokazuje da Beograd nije samo metropola koja ubrzano raste i konti- nuirano se razvija već i centar inova-

cija u kome nastaju, razmenjuju se i unapređuju ideje i vizije o budućno- sti vazdušnog saobraćaja. Toj misiji s ponosom doprinosi i Er Srbija. Samit liderima iz avio-industrije daje prili- ku da istraže potencijale naše regije i daju doprinos njenom daljem rastu. Uveren sam da su se tokom dva da- na Samita rodile određene ideje i ini- cijative koje mogu imati snažan uticaj na budućnost avijacije – rekao je Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbije.

riga and Pegasus Airlines CEO Güliz Öztürk, among many others. Over the course of the two-day CAPA Airline Leader Summit Wor- ld, senior representatives of the most important global and regional airli- nes, airports and other participants in the aviation sector for passengers and cargo, tourism, and congress travel exchanged opinions and views on current trends and key aspects of the aviation industry, as well as its fu- ture development. Through dyna- mic panel debates and spontaneous discussions, participants presented the latest innovations and revolutio- nary ideas that have marked 2024 in aviation. “It is an honour and a pleasure that the City of Belgrade and Air Ser- bia are hosting the prestigious CA- PA Airline Leader Summit World, one of the most important events in the global aviation industry. The arrival of the Summit to the capital of Serbia shows that Belgrade is not only a ra- pidly growing metropolis that is con- tinuously developing, but also a cen- tre of innovation, where ideas and visions about the future of air traffic are created, exchanged and impro- ved. Air Serbia proudly contributes to this mission. The Summit allows avia- tion industry leaders to explore the potential of our region and contri- bute to its further growth. I am confi- dent that, during the two days of the Summit, certain ideas and initiatives were born that could have a strong impact on the future of aviation,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiří Marek.

Detaljnije informacije o Svetskom samitu o avijaciji CAPA 2024 (CAPA Airline Leader Summit World & Awards for Excellence) možete pronaći na: https:// was24. capaevents. com More detailed information about the CAPA Summit (CAPA Airline Leader Summit World & Awards for Excellence) can be found at: https://was24. capaevents.com

THE SUMMIT, WHICH IS ORGA- NISED ANNUALLY by renowned aviation experts’ organisation CA- PA - Centre for Aviation and was this year hosted by the City of Belgra- de and Air Serbia, brought together more than 250 global aviation in- dustry leaders, including Executive Chairman of the Board of Air Lease Corporation Steven Udvar-Házy, ai- rBaltic CEO Martin Gauss, Oman Air CEO Con Korfiatis, Swiss Internati- onal Airlines CCO Heike Birlenbach, ERA Director General Monserrat Ba-

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