Elevate December 2024 | Air Serbia


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Damjana Jovančevića, kopilota Er Srbija leti na mnoge prelepe zimske destinaci- je. Šta bi bio vaš izbor za skijanje u decembru? – Moja preporuka za zimske destinacije u decem- bru su Francuska, Švajcarska ili Austrija. Prioritet bih

Damjan Jovančević, first officer

Air Serbia flies to many destinations that are beau- tiful in winter. What would you choose for skiing in December? “My recommendation for winter destinations in De-

dao Austriji, naročito Salcburgu do kojeg letimo, koji se nalazi u Al- pima i okružen je najlepšim zim- skim centrima. Takođe letimo i za Beč, tako da koju god destinaciju da odaberete, možete brzo i lako stići do željenog skijališta. A kada su u pitanju gradovi i božićni marketi? – Što se tiče najlepših gra- dova za vreme praznika i oseća- ja prave zimske idile, moji izbo- ri su Cirih i Beč. Ukoliko želite da odmor u decembru provedete na toplijoj destinaciji, moja preporu- ka je Nica, ka kojoj avioni Er Srbi- je lete dva puta nedeljno. I Kipar je nepogrešiv izbor u decembru za sve one koji žele da uživaju na suncu i prijatnoj temperaturi. Na kraju, šta biste svojim putnicima, svojoj kompani- ji i sebi poželeli u 2025. go- dini? – Svim putnicima bih pože- leo srećne novogodišnje i božićne praznike, pre svega da budu zdra-

cember is certainly France, Switzer- land or Austria. I would give preceden- ce to Austria, particularly Salzburg, to which we fly, that’s located in the Alps and is surrounded by the most beautiful centres of winter tourism. We also fly to Vienna, so you can easily reach desired ski resort regardless of which destinati- on you choose.” And what about city breaks and Christmas markets? “When it comes to the most beau- tiful cities during the winter holidays and the feeling of a true winter idyll, my cho- ices are Zurich and Vienna. If you want to spend your winter holiday in a war- mer destination during December I wo- uld recommend Nice, to which Air Ser- bia planes fly twice a week. Cyprus is also the perfect December choice for all tho- se wanting to enjoy the sun and pleasant temperatures.” To conclude, what would be your wishes for your passengers, your company and yourself in 2025? “I would wish all passengers a ha- ppy New Year and Christmas holidays, for

vi, srećni i da što više putuju sa nama. Kompaniji bih po- želeo da nastavi sa razvojem kao i do sada i da zajedno budemo sve uspešniji u narednim godinama.

them to be primarily healthy and happy, and to travel wi- th us as much as possible. I would wish for the company to continue developing as it has to date and for us, together, to be ever-more successful over the coming years.”

Ukoliko želite da odmor u decembru provedete na toplijoj destinaciji, moja preporuka je Nica, ka kojoj avioni Er Srbije lete dva puta nedeljno / If you want to spend your winter holiday in a warmer destination during December I would recommend Nice, to which Air Serbia planes fly twice a week

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