Elevate December 2024 | Air Serbia

Er Srbija je tokom letnje sezone saobraćala do više od 90 destinacija širom Evrope, Azije, Afrike i Severne Amerike Over the course of the summer season, Air Serbia operated flights to more than 90 destinations across Europe, Asia, Africa and North America

AIR SERBIA REACHED FOUR MI- LLION PASSENGERS carried al- most a month earlier than in 2023, when the four millionth pa- ssenger was recorded on 13 th De- cember, also representing a re- cord. “During the first ten and a half months of 2024, Air Serbia reali-

sed a number of projects and acti- vities aimed at further improving the services that we provide. We also carried our four millionth pa- ssenger in 2024 in mid-Novem- ber, which creates the possibili- ty of ending the year with a new record by exceeding the 4.19 mi- llion passengers carried in 2023. The New Year holidays are ahead, which are a time of relaxation for most people. However, for those of us working in aviation, it‘s a time of increased traffic intensity. I am confident that we will be ready for this period and for 2025,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. Over the course of the sum- mer season, Air Serbia operated flights to more than 90 destina- tions across Europe, Asia, Afri- ca and North America. The airli- ne’s fleet, one of the youngest in the region, comprises three Air- bus A330-200 aircraft, three Ai- rbus A320-200 aircraft, ten Ai- rbus A319-100 aircraft, ten ATR 72-600 aircraft and one Embraer E-195. In addition to its hub at Bel- grade Nikola Tesla Airport, Air Ser- bia also operates from the Morava International Airport near Kralje- vo and Niš Constantine the Gre- at Airport. The 50 th annual awar- ds ceremony for achievements in air traffic, held in Dubai in May 2024, saw Air Serbia inducted in- to the Air Transport World (ATW) Hall of Fame.


AIR SERBIA CARRIES FOUR MILLIONTH PASSENGER The national airline broke another record in 2024 on 15 th November

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 13

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