Elevate December 2024 | Air Serbia

Na letu

On board

Pogled iz aviona mi daje posebnu moć The view from a plane gives me special power ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE? WHY DO YOU LIKE PLANES?

VERUJEM DA SMO SVI NEGDE U USPO- MENAMA ZADRŽALI SEĆANJE NA SVOJ PR- VI AVIO-LET . Onog trenutka kad se avion vinuo u vazduh, osetila sam se predivno i radosno kao malo dete. Videti svoj grad i predivno Jadransko more s tolike visine… Ostalo mi je to urezano u sećanju i nikada ne želim da se naviknem da je to nešto sa- svim obično. Prelepo je gledati te lepote iz vazdu- ha, ima neku posebnu moć. Šta uvek nosite sa sobom? – Slušalice kako bih slušala muziku, mada mo- ram priznati da ja jako brzo zaspim kad letim. Veći- nom putujem nakon nastupa, pa me stigne i umor i većinu leta prespavam. (smeh)

“I BELIEVE THAT WE’VE ALL RETAINED THE MEMORY OF OUR FIRST FLIGHT SOMEWHERE WITHIN US . That moment when the plane ascended, I felt as wonderful and joyful as a little child. To see one’s city and the beautiful Adriatic from such a height... That remained etched in my memory and I never want to get used to it as something totally ordinary. It’s stunning- ly beautiful to see those attractions from the air, which has some special power.” What do you always carry aboard? “Headphones so I can listen to music, though I must admit that I fall asleep very quickly when flying. I most- ly travel after a performance, so my exhaustion some- how catches up with me and I sleep through most of the flight (laughs).”

Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: John Pavlish

Ko je Jelena Jedna od najvećih pop zvezda sa ovih prostora sa preko dve decenije niza- nja hitova najpre u grupi „Magazin“, pa u solo karijeri, detinjstvo je pro- vela u baletskim patikama u rodnom Splitu. Zbog koncerata širom Balka- na i Evrope većinu godine provede na točkovima ili na letovima. Njena ha- rizma, emotivni nastupi i energija na sceni osigurali su joj čak sedam kon- cerata za druženje sa publikom kra- jem godine u beogradskom Centru „Sava“ (20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 29. i 30. decembar). WHO IS JELENA One of the region’s most popular pop stars, with over two decades of hits, initially with the band Magazin and then throughout her solo career, she was born and raised in Split and spent her childhood in ballet shoes. Thanks to concerts across the Balkans and around Europe, she spends most of her time travelling. Her charisma, emotion- al performances and stage energy have led to the scheduling of as many as sev- en year-end concerts at Belgrade's Sa- va Centre (20 th , 21 st , 26 th , 27 th , 28 th, 29 th and 30 th December).

Jelena Rozga pevačica singer

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

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