Elevate December 2024 | Air Serbia

Popnite se stepenicama zamka

Climb the castle stairs First of all – the view. For a proper sense of Prague ci- ty centre, head straight to Ma- la Strana, a place of cobbled streets and baroque palaces huddled in the shadow of Pra- gue Castle, then climb the castle stairs. The inner city’s jumble of historic rooftops and attic windows slowly reveals it- self as you ascend, with almost all of central Prague becoming visible by the time you reach the top. It’s undeniably chan- ged quite a lot since good King Wenceslas last looked out in the 10 th century, but half of Pra- gue’s history still seems to be contained in that view. You are awaited at the top of the sta- irs by Prague’s castle and cat- hedral. And, yes, according to the Guinness Book of World Re- cords, Prague has the world’s largest castle. Covering an area of 70,280m 2 , it doesn’t resem-

ble your typical fairytale castle – it is more of a large complex of different buildings constru- cted over the centuries, with a large cathedral at its centre. Wander the Old Town Square’s market Once you’ve got your bearin- gs, it’s time to take on Prague’s essential Christmas experien- ce: the markets. The largest is held annually at the Staromest- ske Namesti (Old Town Square) and this is your essential first stop, despite being the most to- uristy market and generally the most expensive, That’s partly due to its sheer size (with over a hundred stalls, it’s sure to keep you snacking, sipping and shopping for hours), but mostly due to the backdrop. That’s be- cause several of the city’s most attractive landmarks overlook the square, including the me- dieval astronomical clock and the superbly spiked towers of the Church of Our Lady befo- re Týn, with wedding-cake-style baroque townhouses filling in the gaps. Prague’s tallest Chri- stmas tree completes an enc- hanting scene.

Pre svega, pogled. Za pravi oseć aj centralnog Praga idite do Male Strane, do kaldrmi - sanih ulica i baroknih palata koje se zbijaju ispod Praš - kog zamka. Zatim se popni - te stepenicama koje će vam, dok idete gore, polako otkri - vati krovove i prozore u pot - krovljima grada, sve dok ne stignete do mesta odakle mo - žete da vidite gotovo ceo cen - tar Praga. Naravno, malo se sve to promenilo u odnosu na vreme kada je kralj Vaclav tu uživao u 10. veku, ali se i da - lje čini da je polovina istorije Praga sadržana upravo u tom pogledu. Na vrhu stepenica čekaju vas Praški zamak i ka - tedrala. I da, prema Giniso - voj knjizi rekorda, Praški za - mak je najveć i na svetu. Ima 70.280 kvadratnih metara, ali ne liči baš na tipičan zamak iz bajke – više je kompleks različitih zgrada iz svih veko - va sa velikom katedralom u sredini.

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