Elevate December 2024 | Air Serbia

Sip some svarak Forget beer — at this time of year, svarak is Prague’s favouri- te tipple. It is essentially mulled wine, stiffened with plum bran- dy or rum — and it’s a tad mo- re citrusy (and less sweet) than we’re used to. As twilight des- cends, its aroma swirls throu- gh every Christmas market in the city, while the mood slowly shifts from festive bazaar to giant outdoor party. The non-alcoholic alternative is hot apple juice with cinnamon. Buy Christmas baubles The Czechs love their Chris- tmas trees. The moment the li- ghts are turned on to reveal Jezisek’s presents on 24 th De- cember is the most sacred mo- ment for any Czech child (and many of their parents too) —

so it’s no wonder they go the extra mile to decorate them. Their hand-blown and hand-pa- inted glass baubles are things of beauty that are locked away like jewels when not dangling amid the tinsel. There are all kinds of Christmas craft items to buy on Prague’s festive mar- kets: candles, Advent wreaths, puppets, handmade toys, ce- ramics etc. However, nothing evokes the season’s fleeting sense of magic quite like those fragile glass spheres. Feast on street food Always head to a Christmas market when hungry. That way you can give in to all the tempting aromas of the food stalls, and simultaneously keep yourself warm. Freshly cooked kloubasa is a favourite treat —

MAIA.HOMEDRESS a touch of elegance on your skin MAIA.HOMEDRESS is a premium luxury brand that represents a synonym for elegance and sophistication. MAIA distinguishes itself as a leader in handcrafting the finest silk garments. Located at 12/2 Vojvode Dobrnjca Street, you will find refined collections ranging from designer silk pyjamas to timeless cloaks and dresses for important occasions.

MAIA.HOMEDRESS dodir elegancije na vašoj koži MAIA.HOMEDRESS je luksuzni premium brend koji predstavlja sinonim za eleganciju i sofisticiranost. MAIA se ističe kao lider u ručnoj proizvodnji najfinijih odevnih predmeta od svile. Na adresi Vojvode Dobrnjca 11/2 pronaći ćete graciozne kolekcije, od dizajnerskih svilenih pidžama, do vanvremenskih ogrtača i haljina za važne prilike.

SPOJ KLASIKE I SAVREMENOSTI MAIA.HOMEDRESS je brend namenjen samouverenoj, kosmopolitskoj ženi koja ceni trenutke uživanja. U svakom francuskom šavu utkana je priča o kvalitetu, stilu i estetici. Pored ekskluzivnih odevnih komada, imaćete priliku da osetite MAIA. CEREMONYSCENT, prvi miris za svilu proizveden u Srbiji. ZAKORAČITE U MAIA SVET I DOŽIVITE VRHUNAC MODNE FUZIJE!


MAIA.HOMEDRESS is a brand intended for self-confident, cosmopolitan women who value precious moments of enjoyment. Woven into every French knot is a tale of quality, style and aesthetics. Alongside exclusive items of clothing, you’ll also have the opportunity to experience MAIA. CEREMONYSCENT, the first silk apparel perfume to be produced in Serbia. STEP INTO THE MAIA WORLD AND EXPERIENCE THE PINNACLE OF FUSION FASHION

Maia.homedress www.maia.rs

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