„Cinema made in Italy“ biće održan od 6. do 11. decembra u mts Dvorani. Manifestacija koja po drugi put stiže u Srbiju predstaviće filmove sa- vremene italijanske kinematografije. Organiza- tori festivala su „Cinecittà“, jedan od vodećih evropskih filmskih i fotografskih arhiva, u sa- radnji sa Italijanskim institutom za kulturu i mts Dvoranom, uz podršku Ministarstva kulture i Ambasade Italije. Na ovom festivalu gledaoci će imati priliku da uživaju u najnovijim filmovima italijanske produkcije, ostvarenjima mladih au- tora, ali i razgovorima sa stvaraocima. Program manifestacije dostupan je na veb sajtu daniita- lijanskogfilma.rs. The Italian Film Days event Cinema Made in It- aly will unfold from 6 th to 11 th December at Bel- grade’s mts Hall. The event is coming to Serbia for the second time and will present contem- porary works of Italian cinematography. The festival is being organised by Cinecittà, one of Europe’s leading archives of audiovisual foot- age, in cooperation with the Italian Cultural In- stitute and mts Dvorana, with the support of the Serbian Ministry of Culture and the Embas- sy of Italy in Belgrade. Festivalgoers will have an opportunity to enjoy the latest Italian film pro- ductions and works of young authors, but also conversations with filmmakers. The full event programme is available on the website daniital- janskogfilma.rs.
Dani italijanskog filma Cinema made in Italy Italian Film Days – Cinema Made in Italy
DOKZIMA / DOCWINTER Filmovi na početku zime Films to mark the start of winter
Smotra dokumentarnog filma „DokZima“ biće održana od 4. do 26. decembra u Beo- gradu i Valjevu. Projekat mladih filmskih autora će prikazati četiri uzbudljiva ostvarenja iz prethodnih nekoliko godina. U okviru Smotre biće prikazani filmovi „Bez“ autora Luke Pa- pića, „Sanjalice“ Vladimira Petrovića, „Govori da bih te video“ u režiji Marije Stojnić i „Iz- bor za mis zatvora“ Srđana Šarenca od čega će neki imati valjevske premijere. Bioskopi u kojima će filmovi biti prikazani su Dvorana kulturnog centra Beograda i Cen- tar za kulturu Valjevo (CZKV). Publika će imati priliku da svake srede u decembru u Beo- gradu u DKC i svakog četvrtaka u Valjevu u CZKV, razgovara sa autorima nakon projekci- ja. U želji da osveži, uzbudi i zbliži publiku kroz domaće dokumentarne filmove i razgovore sa autorima, „DokZima“ predstavlja platformu za promociju neretko skrivenog sveta do- maćeg dokumentarnog filma bioskopskoj publici. Documentary film review festival DokZima will take place in Belgrade and Valjevo from 4 th to 26 th December. This project of young filmmakers will screen four exciting works creat- ed over the past few years. The review festival will include screenings of Luka Papić’s With- out, Vladimir Petrović’s The Dreamers, Marija Stojnić’s Speak So I Can See You and Srđan Šarenac’s Prison Beauty Contest, with some of these works to have their Valjevo pre- mieres during the festival. The cinemas set to screen this year’s DocWinter selection include the Hall of the Cultur- al Centre of Belgrade and the Valjevo Cultural Centre (CZKV). Audiences will be given the opportunity to converse with filmmakers after the screenings every Wednesday in Bel- grade and every Thursday in Valjevo. In its desire to reinvigorate, excite and unify the audi- ence through domestic documentaries and conversations with their authors, DocWinter represents a platform to promote the oft-overlooked world of domestic documentary film among cinema audiences.
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