Elevate December 2024 | Air Serbia



Evolucija ideja The evolution of ideas Sedamnaesto izdanje najvećeg regionalnog Fe- stivala nauke održava se od 12. do 14. decem- bra na Beogradskom sajmu sa centralnom te- mom „Evolucija ideja“, konceptom koji osvetljava neprekidni proces transformacije i razvoja nauč- nih misli i teorija kroz vreme. Nove naučne oblasti se stalno rađaju dok druge odumiru, a naučne te- orije se razvijaju i menjaju, pa će Festival pokuša- ti da pruži odgovore kako dolazi do ovih promena i šta to znači za sve nas. Cilj Festivala nauke je da posetiocima ukaže na nauku kao neodvojivi deo svakodnevnog života i da istovremeno pruži in- spirativan, nov i svež pogled na različite naučne oblasti, da probudi interesovanje i da široj publici i drugim društvenim činiocima ukaže na važnost nauke i tehnologije u svakodnevnom životu.

The 17 th iteration of the region’s largest Science Festival unfolds at the Belgrade Fair from 12 th to 14 th December, with the central theme represented by the “Evo- lution of Ideas”, a concept that sheds light on the continuous process of grad- ually transforming and developing scien- tific thought and theories. New scientific fields are constantly being born as others die out, while scientific theories devel- op and change, which is why the Festival

will strive to provide answers to the ques- tions of how these changes occur and what that means for all of us. The Sci- ence Festival aims to present science as an inseparable part of everyday life, while simultaneously offering an inspiring, new and fresh view of various scientific fields, awakening interest among the gener- al public and other social stakeholders, as well as highlighting the importance of science and technology in everyday life.


„Jutarnja kafa u staroj fabrici papira“ Morning Coffee at the Old Paper Mill

Mlada umetnica Sarah Iva Vujin predstaviće se drugom samostalnom izložbom u ga-

leriji „Neon“ simboličnog naziva „Jutar- nja kafa u staroj fabrici papira“ u periodu od 5. do 12. decembra 2024. Izložba se sastoji iz 13 slika velikih dimenzija rađe- nih tehnikom ulja na platnu. Izbor forma- ta vođen je instinktom, na taj način opet davajući prednost intuiciji. Pored izuzetno bogatog kolorita, ono što je posebno zanimlji- vo su i sami nazivi radova. Svaki naslov odražava trenutke iz Sarinog detinjstva, izvučene iz usmenih pri- ča, zapisa, video snimaka i sećanja koja svoju trajnost duguju nje- noj nepromenjenoj prirodi.

Young artist Sarah Iva Vujin will present her second solo exhibition at Belgrade’s Galerija Neon, symbolically entitled “Morning Coffee at the Old Paper Mill", from 5 th to 12 th December 2024. This exhibition consists of 13 large paintings created using the oil on canvas technique. Her choice of format is guided by in- stinct, by which she once again gives preference to her intuition. Apart from an extremely rich colour palette, the titles of the works themselves are also par- ticularly interesting. Each title reflects moments from Sarah’s childhood, ex- tracted from oral stories, notes, video recordings and memories that she has retained thanks to her unchanging nature.

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