Elevate December 2024 | Air Serbia



U svetu savremene akademske muzike / Journey to the world of contemporary academic music

Two projections of the Tabula Rasa pro- gramme will be held at the Belgrade Youth Centre and the Novi Sad Syna- gogue on 11 th and 15 th December — rep- resenting a unique event that presents academic music of the 20 th and 21 st centuries through the works of promi- nent contemporary composers. Tabula Rasa is an interdisciplinary pro- ject that has its own dramatic compo- sition storytelling technique, combining specially developed lighting design that represents an equal and integral part of the programme with the performanc- es of the Muzikon Orchestra, solo pianist and concept author Marina Khudykh and violinist Mikhail Andruschenko, a permanent member of the Teodor Currentzis directed musicAeterna or- chestra. The programme encompasses five pieces of music for piano and string orchestra that are interwoven to form a single story, including works by legend- ary Soviet composer Alfred Schnittke, but also Arvo Pärt, one of the most sought-after geniuses of our time, and exceptional composer Sofia Gubaiduli- na. Some of the pieces included will be performed in Serbia for the first time.

U beogradskom Domu omladine i Novosad- skoj sinagogi 11. i 15. decembra bić e održane dve projekcije programa „Tabula Rasa“ – jedin- stvenog događaja koji predstavlja akadem- sku muziku 20. i 21. veka kroz dela istaknutih kompozitora našeg vremena. „Tabula Rasa“ je interdisciplinarni projekat sa sopstvenom dramaturgijom pripovedanja koja kombinuje posebno razvijen dizajn osvetljenja, predstav- ljajući ravnopravni sastavni deo programa, sa nastupima orkestra „Muzikon“, solo pijanist-

kinje i autorke ideje – Marine Hudih, kao i vi- oliniste Mihaila Andruščenka, stalnog člana orkestra „musicAeterna“ pod vođstvom Teo- dora Kurencisa. Program obuhvata pet mu- zičkih dela utkanih u jednu priču, uključujuć i radove Alfreda Šnitkea, legendarnog sovjet- skog kompozitora; Arva Perta, jednog od naj- traženijih genija našeg vremena; kao i izuzet- ne kompozitorke Sofije Gubajduline, za klavir i gudački orkestar. Neki od komada bić e izve- deni u Srbiji po prvi put.


Novogodišnja humanitarna trka / New Year's humanitarian run

Druga po redu novogodišnja humanitar- na trka „Resolution Run“ biće održana 28. decembra na Adi Ciganliji, ali i širom Srbije, u organizaciji sportskog udruže- nja „Samo hrabro“ i ponovo će imati hu- manitarni karakter jer će deo novca biti doniran šestočlanoj porodici Veličko- vić iz Čoke, u saradnji sa organizacijom „Srbi za Srbe“. Više informacija može- te pronaći putem sajta https://resoluti- on-run.com/.

The second consecutive New Year's humanitar- ian run, Resolution Run, will take place on Bel- grade’s Ada Ciganlija island on 28 th Decem- ber, but will also be held nationwide across Serbia. Organised by sporting association Sa- mo Hrabro, it will once again have a humanitar- ian character, with part of the money raised to be donated to the six-member Veličković fam- ily from Čoka, in cooperation with organisation Serbs for Serbs. Find more information by visit- ing the website https://resolution-run.com/.

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