Elevate December 2024 | Air Serbia



Dugometražni igrani film „Dražen“ reditelja Danila Šerbedžije naći će se u domaćim bioskopima od 5. decembra. Snimljen u čast 60. godišnjice od rođenja Dražena Petrovića, film do- nosi fascinantnu priču o košarkaškom Mocartu koji je svojom igrom osvojio ceo svet. Kroz prizmu ključnih trenutaka Petro- vićevog života publika će biti uvučena u njegov svet nevero- vatne strasti, odlučnosti i posvećenosti sportu koji ga je učinio besmrtnim. Producenti kažu da su na velikom platnu želeli da prikažu priču o čoveku – njegovom odrastanju, odnosu s po- rodicom i osobama iz privatnog i profesionalnog života koje su ga podržavale na putu prema vrhu. Stoga ovo nije tipičan sportski film, jer je naglasak na Draženovoj ličnoj priči. Uloga Draž ena Petrović a poverena je glumcima Domagoju Niž ić u i Tonku Stoš ić u, koji ga je tumačio kao mladog. The Danilo Šerbedžija directed feature film Dražen will hit Ser- bian cinemas from 5 th December. Made to honour the 60 th an- niversary of the birth of Dražen Petrović, this film tells the fas- cinating story of this maestro of basketball who conquered the whole world with his playing style. Through the prism of key moments in Petrović’s life, viewers will be drawn into his world of incredible passion, determination and dedication to the sport that immortalised him. Producers explain that they wanted to present a human-interest story on the big screen – showing his upbringing, relationship with his family and the in- dividuals from his private and professional life who support- ed him on his way to the top. This film therefore isn’t a typical sports film, as the emphasis is placed on Dražen’s person- al life story. The role of the man himself was entrusted to ac- tors Domagoj Nižić and Tonko Stošić, who portrays Petrović as a young boy.

„Dražen“ Danila Šerbedžije / Danilo Šerbedžija's Dražen


„Neksus“ u knjižarama Nexus in bookshops

Juval Noa Harari u svojoj novoj knjizi „Neksus“ donosi kratku istoriju infor- macionih mreža, od kamenog doba do veštačke inteligencije. On sagle- dava ljudsku istoriju da bi razmotrio kako je protok informacija oblikovao nas i naš svet. Vodeći nas od kame- nog doba, preko lova na veštice, sta- ljinizma i nacizma, pa do obnove populizma danas, autor traži da raz- mislimo o složenim odnosima izme- đu informacija i istine i istražuje kako su se razni društveni i politički siste- mi u istoriji služili informacijama, a ka- ko će to činiti veštačka inteligencija. Knjigu možete pronaći od 13. decem- bra u svim knjižarama „Delfi“ i na saj- tu laguna.rs.

With his new book entitled Nexus, Yu- val Noah Harari presents a brief history of information networks, from the Stone Age to artificial intelligence. He takes an overview of human history in an effort to consider how the flow of information has shaped us and our world. By leading us from the Stone Age, via witch hunts, Stalinism and Nazism, to today’s pop- ulist revival, the author compels us to consider the complex relationship be- tween information and truth, explor- ing the ways various historical social and political systems have used information, as well as how that will also be done by artificial intelligence. You can find this book in all Delfi bookshops and on the laguna.rs website from 13th December.

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