CELULOIDNA TRAKA – ODMOTAVANJE / CELLULOID TAPE - UNWINDING Najiščekivaniji filmovi 2025. The most anticipated films of 2025
Iz današnje perspektive čini se kao da se filmska industrija najviše promenila zbog najezde raznih striming servisa, ali ova godina je dokazala da je Holivud prosto prestao da osluškuje potrebe svoje publike / It seems from today's perspective that the film industry has been changed the most as a result of the emergence of various streaming services, but this year served to prove that Hollywood simply stopped listening to the needs of its audience
OSIM NEISCRPNOG BROJA FILMOVA ISPUNJE- NIH POLITIČKOM KOREKTNOŠĆU, MARVELA I DI- ZNIJEVIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA , uspeh ostalih je neizvestan. Jedan od najvećih studija, „Warner Bros“, dokaz je za to sa ogromnim gubicima nakon nastavaka „Pobesnelog Maksa“ i „Džokera“. Pred nama je ipak no- va godina, novi filmovi, a mi smo izdvojili neke od onih koji bi trebalo da rasture bioskopske blagajne. APART FROM THE INNUMERABLE FILMS THAT ARE AWASH WITH POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, IN- CLUDING ANIMATED MARVEL AND DISNEY FILMS , the success of others also remains uncertain. Warner Bros., as one of the biggest studios, is proof of this fact, following the huge losses it sustained with its Mad Max and Joker se- quels. A new year is nonetheless ahead of us, with new films, and here we’ve singled out some of those that should “smash” cinema box offices...
„Avatar: Vatra i pepeo“ (Decembar 2025) Treći od pet filmova u serijalu je sniman zajedno sa prethodnim, premda Kameron očekuje da završi postprodukciju tek narednog leta. Reditelj nije otkrio detalje o filmu, ali je istakao da sledeća dva nastavka neće ući u produkciju pre 2026. godine. U zavisnosti od uspeha filmova, postoji mogućnost za produženje serijala. Među glavnim ulogama nalaze se Sem Vortington, Zoi Saldana, Sigurni Viver, Kejt Vinslet... AVATAR: FIRE AND ASH (DECEMBER 2025) The third of this franchise’s five planned films was shot in parallel with the previous instalment, though Cameron doesn’t expect to complete post-production until next summer. The director hasn’t re- vealed plot details, but he has confirmed that the next two instal- ments won’t go into production prior to 2026. It is also possible that the series will be extended further, depending on the success of the upcoming films. The leading roles will be again portrayed by Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver and Kate Winslet.
Tekst / Words: Viktor Vilotijević Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs
„Kapetan Amerika: Vrli novi svet“ (Februar 2025)
Inicijalna trilogija sa Krisom Evansom završila se filmom „Kapetan Amerika: Građanski rat“ (2016), nakon čega se lik pojavljivao u na- stavcima „0svetnika“. Marvel je odlučio da nastavi ovu sagu i nači- nio sledeći korak u liku Sema Vilsona, kog tumači Entoni Maki, no- vog Kapetana Amerike. „Vrli novi svet“ je jedan od tri filma koje je Marvel spremio za 2025. CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD (FEBRUARY 2025) The initial trilogy, starring Chris Evans, culminated with the 2016 movie Captain America: Civil War, after which the character appeared in the Avengers sequels. Marvel opted to continue this saga and has tak- en the next step with the character of Sam Wilson, played by An- thony Mackie, embodying the new Captain America. Brave New World is one of three Marvel movies set for release in 2025.
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