Elevate December 2024 | Air Serbia

„28 godina kasnije“ (Jun 2025) Treći film u serijalu Denija Bojla, sme- šten je dvadeset godina nakon do- gađaja iz „28 nedelja kasnije“. Rad na četvrtom nastavku je započeo ne- koliko nedelja nakon što je „28 godi- na kasnije“ završen, s tim da će ga re- žirati Nia Dakosta. Kilijanu Marfiju se pridružuju Eron Tejlor Džonson, Džo- di Komer i Rejf Fajns. Film je najvećim delom sniman telefonom!

28 YEARS LATER (JUNE 2025) The third film in this Danny Boyle se- ries is set two decades after the events of 28 Weeks Later. Work on a fourth instalment in this zombie franchise began just a few weeks after the finalisation of 28 Years Later, with Nia DaCosta set to di- rect. Cillian Murphy is joined by Aar- on Taylor Johnson, Jodie Comer and Ralph Fiennes. The film was shot largely with smartphones!

„Bridžit Džouns: Luda za dečkom“ (Februar 2025) Četvrti i poslednji nastavak kultne sage o Bridžit Džouns u bioskopima će se naći 14. februara naredne godine, a na- slovnu ulogu tumači Rene Zelveger, koja je za prvi film 2002. bila nominovana za Oskara. Osim Rene, uloge će re- prizirati Hju Grant i Ema Tompson. Prva tri filma su inkasirala preko 750 miliona dolara i postala jedna od najprofitabilnijih franšiza kada su u pitanju romantične komedije.


The fourth and final instalment of Bridget Jones’s epic saga will hit cinemas on Valentine’s Day, 14 th February, 2025, with the titular character once again portrayed by Renee Zellwe- ger, who received an Oscar nomination for the first film in the series, back in 2002. Alongside Renee, Hugh Grant and Em- ma Thompson will also be reprising their roles. The first three films grossed over $750 million, making Bridget Jones one of the all-time most profitable rom-com franchises. „Nemoguća Misija 8“ (Maj 2025) Novi, osmi, nastavak „Nemoguće misije“ je peta po redu saradnja između reditelja Kristofera Makvorija i Tom Kruza (deseta ako računamo njegov scenaristički rad). Radnja fil- ma i dalje nije otkrivena, ali se zna da je smeštena nekoliko godina nakon događaja iz prethodnog nastavka. Osim Kru- za, u filmu će uloge reprizirati Vanesa Kirbi, Hejli Atvel, Saj- mon Pegi i Ving Rejms.

„Miki 17“ (April 2025) Nakon ogromnog uspeha kod publike i krititike sa filmom „Parazit“, reditelj Bong Džun-Ho će publici predstaviti novi naučno-fantastični film „Miki 17“ sa Rober- tom Patisonom u glavnoj ulozi. Studio „Warner Bros“ je već dva puta pomerao film, što je izazvalo polemike oko kvaliteta, ali čini se da su, poučeni iskustvom sa svojim blokbasterima iz 2024, tražili datum kada je konkurencija manja. Osim Patinsona, u filmu igraju Stiven Jan, Naomi Aki, Toni Kolet i Mark Rafalo. MICKEY 17 (APRIL 2025) Following his huge success among audiences and critics alike with the film Parasite, director Bong Joon-Ho is set to unveil his new science fiction film, Mickey 17, starring Robert Pattison. Warner Bros has already rescheduled the film’s release twice, sparking controversy over quality, but it seems the stu- dio has learned from the experience of its 2024 blockbusters and opted for a date with less competition. Starring alongside Pattinson are Steven Yeun, Naomi Ackie, Toni Collette and Mark Ruffalo.

„Majkl“ (Oktobar 2025)

MICHAEL (OCTOBER 2025) A biopic presenting the life of the “King of Pop”, Michael Jackson, will final- ly see the light of day in October 2025. In this era of successful pop star biop- ics, marked by the success of films like Bohemian Rhapsody, Rocketman and Elvis, the world has been eagerly antic- ipating a Michael Jackson film, which was already being considered a contro- versial project during the pre-produc- tion phase. The titular character will be portrayed by Jaafar Jackson, a nephew of the famous singer.

Biografski film o kralju popa Maj- klu Džeksonu najzad će ugleda- ti svetlo dana u oktobru 2025. U eri uspešnih filmova o pop zvez- dama poput „Boemske rapsodije“, „Roketmena“ i „Elvisa“, svet je želj- no iščekivao film o Majklu Džek- sonu, koji je još u fazi preprodukci- je važio za kontroverzan projekat. Naslovnu ulogu u filmu će igrati Džafar Džekson, kom je slavni pe- vač bio ujak.

MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 8 (MAY 2025) The latest, eighth instalment in the Mission: Impossible series represents the fifth collaboration between director Chris- topher McQuarrie and Tom Cruise (the tenth if we count his screenwriting work). This film’s plot has yet to be revealed, but we do know that it is set several years after the events of the previous sequel. Apart from Cruise, this final instalment in the franchise will also see the return of Vanessa Kirby, Hay- ley Atwell, Simon Pegg and Ving Rhames.

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