Elevate December 2024 | Air Serbia

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ER SRBIJA PREVEZLA 381.386 PUTNIKA U OKTOBRU AIR SERBIA CARRIED 381,386 PASSENGERS IN OCTOBER Tokom oktobra 2024. godine nacionalna avio-kompanija prevezla je ukupno 381.386 putnika u redovnom i čarter-saobraćaju, što je povećanje od četiri odsto u odnosu na isti mesec prošle godine / Serbia’s national airline carried 381,386 passengers in scheduled and charter traffic during the tenth month of 2024, representing a four per cent increase compared to the same month of last year

SA AERODROMA U BEOGRADU, NIŠU I KRALJEVU Er Srbija je to- kom oktobra obavila 4.071 let, što je za 49 letova više u poređenju sa istim mesecom 2023. godine. Za prvih deset meseci 2024. godine na letovima Er Srbije zabeleženo je više od 3,8 miliona putnika, što je rast od 7 odsto u odnosu na isti pe- riod prethodne godine. – Oktobar, naš rođendanski mesec, bio je veoma poseban. Na početku smo dočekali 30-milio- nitog putnika od kada poslujemo pod imenom Er Srbija, a samo ne- koliko dana kasnije u flotu je stigao novi avion „erbas A330-200“ za prekookeanske letove. Naša stra- tegija proširenja flote i mreže de- stinacija pokazala se kao uspešna. Zahvaljujući tome i poverenju koje nam putnici svakodnevno ukazuju, iz meseca u mesec beležimo re- kordne rezultate. Nastavićemo da širimo našu mrežu i u narednom periodu, uvođenjem direktnih leto- va za Šangaj, Ibicu, Mikonos i Sar- diniju. Verujem da će to obradovati naše putnike – izjavio je Boško Ru- pić, direktor za komercijalu i stra- tegiju Er Srbije. Najpopularnije destinacije Er Srbije u oktobru bile su Tivat i Pod- gorica u regionu, Cirih, Pariz, Am- sterdam, Barselona, Rim, Frankfurt i Milano u zapadnoj Evropi, dok su u evromediteranskoj zoni najtraže- niji letovi bili do Larnake, Istanbu- la i Atine.

AIR SERBIA OPERATED 4,071 FLI- GHTS from airports in Belgrade, Niš and Kraljevo during October, mar- king an increase of 49 flights com- pared to the same month of 2023. Over the first ten months of 2024, Air Serbia welcomed more than 3.8 million passengers aboard its flights, representing growth of seven per cent compared to the same period of last year. “October, our birthday month, was very special. It started with us welcoming our 30-millionth passen- ger since we began operating un- der the name Air Serbia, while a new Airbus A330-200 aircraft for long- haul flights joined our fleet just a few days later. Our strategy of expanding the fleet and destinations network

has proven successful. Thanks to this, and the trust that passengers place in us every day, we are achie- ving record results month on mon- th. We will continue to expand our network in the coming period by in- troducing direct flights to Shanghai, Ibiza, Mykonos and Sardinia. I believe this will delight our passengers,” said Boško Rupić, Air Serbia General Ma- nager, Commercial and Strategy. Air Serbia’s most popular desti- nations in October were Tivat and Podgorica in the region, as well as Zurich, Paris, Amsterdam, Barce- lona, Rome, Frankfurt and Milan in Western Europe, while the most so- ught-after destinations in the Eu- ro-Mediterranean zone were Larna- ca, Istanbul and Athens.

U evromediteranskoj zoni najtraženiji letovi u oktobru bili su do Larnake, Istanbula i Atine The most popular Air Serbia destinations in the Euro-Mediterranean zone during October were Larnaca, Istanbul and Athens

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