NAJBOLJA OSTRVSKA ZABAVA / TOP ISLAND FUN VODIMO VAS NA IBICU, MIKONOS I SARDINIJU WE’RE TAKING YOU TO IBIZA, MYKONOS AND SARDINIA Er Srbija od 2025. godine počinje da leti do nekih od najlepših i najpopularnijih ostrva Mediterana na kojima je provod zagarantovan / Air Serbia launches flights to some of the Mediterranean’s most beautiful and popular islands in 2025, where good times are guaranteed
MIKONOS Ukoliko stižete brodom, prvi susret sa Mikonosom biće nešto što će vam ostati urezano u sećanju jer se susre- ćete direktno sa simbolima ovog ostrva – Malom Vene- cijom i vetrenjačama. Pogled na njih bolji je od najbolje fotografije koju možete naći na Instagramu. Nesumnji- vo je da će vas Alefkandra, odnosno takozvana Mala Venecija, sa svojim pitoresknim kućicama i balkonima koji se nadnose nad samu obalu Egejskog mora osvoji- ti na prvi pogled. Sešćete u kafić kojem nećete moći da odolite jer je smešten baš na samoj obali, a posmatrati zalazak sunca odatle je iskustvo koje morate da pone- sete sa Mikonosa. Kato Mili vetrenjače glavna su atrak- cija ovog ostrva. Nekada su hvatale vetrove i mlele pše- nicu i ječam za hleb po kojem je Mikonos bio slavan, ali danas više nisu u funkciji. MYKONOS If you arrive by sea, your first encounter with Mykonos will remain etched in your memory, as you will come fa- ce to face with the symbols of this island: Little Venice and windmills. Seeing them in person is better than the best photos you can find on Instagram. There’s no dou- bt that you’ll be won over at first sight by Alefkandra, aka Little Venice, with its picturesque houses and balconies perched directly above the Aegean coast. You’ll sit at a café that will prove irresistible simply because it’s loca- ted right on the seafront, and sunsets from there are an experience that you simply must take home from Myko- nos. Mykonos Windmills (Kato Mili) are this island’s main attraction. Once used to catch the winds and grind whe- at and barley to make the bread for which Mykonos was famous, they are today no longer operational.
NA SAMOM PRAGU NOVE GODINE pred nama mož- da mislite o skijanju i zavejanim planinama, ali neće- te pogrešiti ako već sada počnete da planirate letova- nje. 2025. godina donosi lepe novine u planu Er Srbije koja će leteti do najprivlačnijih i najluksuznijih evropskih destinacja – Ibice, Mikonosa i Sardinije! Da, teško je od- lučiti koje je od ovih ostrva lepše i zabavnije, pa ćemo probati da pomognemo bar malo. WITH THE NEW YEAR FAST APPROACHING, you mi- ght be considering skiing and snow-covered mountains, but you won’t be mistaken if you start planning your next summer holiday now. That’s because 2025 is set to bring enticing new additions to the Air Serbia schedule, with flights to Europe’s most attractive and luxurious destina- tions: Ibiza, Mykonos and Sardinia! Admittedly, it’s tough to decide which of these islands is more beautiful and fun, which is why we‘ll try to help, at least a little.
Plave stolice, beli stolnjaci, autentični specijaliteti... Pravo uživanje za ljubitelje Grčke Blue chairs, white tablecloths and authentic specialities... True enjoyment for lovers of Greece
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