Elevate December 2024 | Air Serbia

SARDINIJA Sardinija, drugo po veličini italijansko ostrvo u Sredo- zemnom moru, odmah posle Sicilije. Ono što je čini je- dinstvenom i nezaboravnom destinacijom pre svega su prirodne lepote jer je poznata po prelepim plažama, sa mnogo zelenila. Ali Sardinija je bogata i istorijskim na- sleđem. Nuragi civilizacija, koja je na ovim prostorima živela još pre nove ere, gradila je svoje specifične objek- te (nurage), tipične samo za Sardiniju. Ostaci objekata i danas su sačuvani i predstavljaju jednu od glavnih turi- stičkih atrakcija. Sardinija je udaljena oko 300 km od kopnenog dela Itali- je i najbliža je francuskom ostrvu Korzika. Najveći grad a ujedno i prestonica je Kaljari, u doslovnom prevodu „dvo- rac“, grad koji krasi jedna od najdužih gradskih plaža u Italiji (13 km). Divne bašte, parkovi, katedrale i zamko- vi samo su deo onoga što će vam privući pažnju u ovom gradu. Plus smaragdno more, bele peščane plaže, male stenovite uvale i lud noćni provod. Šta vam još treba?

IBIZA This most popular of the Balearic Islands, which is du- bbed the “White Island” due to the whitewashed houses dotting the hillsides all the way down to the sea, is mu- ch more than the crazy party island that it is known as. Artists and beatniks first introduced the artistic and bo- hemian culture to this place back in the 1930s, and in so doing reshaped the island into a paradise for those who didn’t fit into social moulds. The most interesting part of Ibiza Town is the historic qu- arter of Dalt Vila (Upper Town), which is a UNESCO Wor- ld Heritage site. The old town dates back to 1554, so you can familiarise yourself with the island’s long and cultu- rally varied history. Here you can see the beautifully in- corporated remains of Phoenician, Arabic and Catalan architecture. Numerous stalls offering various artworks, handicraft items and typical local foods line the centre of this place, while buskers operate between them, in the form of street musicians, entertainers and artists who in- stantly draw, sculpt and shape objects from various ma- terials. Everything bustles here from the bars, restau- rants, cafés and nightclubs. There’s always something happening, so you should be aware that you won’t get much sleep in this home of some of the world’s most fa- mous nightclubs. Najzanimljiviji deo grada Ibice predstavlja istorijsko jez- gro D’Alt Vila koje je uvršteno na Uneskovu listu svet- ske kulturne baštine. Stari grad datira iz 1554. godine, pa možete da se upoznate sa dugom i kulturno izme- šanom istorijom ostrva. Vidljivi su lepo uklopljeni osta- ci feničanske, arapske i katalonske arhitekture. Brojni štandovi sa raznoraznim umetničkim delima, rukotvori- nama, tipičnom hranom postavljeni su duž centra me- sta, a između njih nastupaju ulični svirači, zabavljači i umetnici koji na licu mesta crtaju, vajaju i prave pred- mete od različitih materijala. Ovde sve vrvi od barova, restorana, kafića i noćnih klubova, stalno se nešto de- šava, pa znajte da nećete mnogo spavati jer se tu nala- ze neki od najpoznatijih noćnih klubova na svetu. IBICA Popularno balearsko ostrvo poznato kao Belo ostr- vo zbog kućica obojenih u belo koje se kaskadno spu- štaju ka moru, mnogo je više od ostrva za beskrajno lu- du zabavu po kojoj je poznato. Umetničku i boho kulturu ovom mestu doneli su tridesetih godina prošlog veka umetnici i hipici, pa tako stvorili od ostrva raj za one koji se nisu uklapali u društvene kalupe.

SARDINIA Italy’s Sardinia is the second largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, after Sicily. Natural beauty is primarily what makes this a unique and unforgettable destination, given that it is known for its stunningly be- autiful beaches, with plenty of greenery. However, Sardinia is also ri- ch in terms of historical heritage. The Nuragic civilisation, which for- med here during the Bronze Age, built its own specific buildings (nuraghi) that are unique to Sardinia. Remains of these structures are still preserved to this day and represent one of the island’s ma- in tourist attractions. Sardinia is located approximately 300 km from the Italian mainland and its closest neighbour is the French island of Corsica. The capital and largest city is Cagliari, a name derived from the Sardinian word for castle. The city boasts one of the longest urban beaches in Italy (13 km). Beautiful gardens, parks, cathedrals and castles are just so- me of the attractions that will entice you in this city. And then there’s the emerald sea, white sand beaches, small rocky coves and crazy nightlife. What else could you need?

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