SRBIJA SE POSLEDNJIH GODINA POKAZUJE KAO ATRAKTIVNO TR- ŽIŠTE ZA INVESTICIONE FONDO- VE , sa 20 aktivnih fondova od ko- jih čak osam čine alternativni. Ovim povodom razgovaramo sa Zoranom Popovićem, predsednikom Nadzor- nog odbora Društva za upravljanje al- ternativnim investicionim fondovima Vista Rica ad Beograd. Šta su alternativni investicioni fondovi? – Alternativni investicioni fondo- vi su relativna novina u Srbiji, iako glo- balno tržište alternativnih investicio- nih fondova vredi 12,8 biliona dolara dolara i očekuje se da će dvostruko porasti već u narednih deset godina. Reč je o veoma moćnom segmentu tržišta kapitala koje je dostupno svi- ma, i građanima i pravnim licima. Al- ternativni fondovi, za razliku od tradi- cionalnih, imaju širi spektar ulaganja te uz akcije, obveznice i novčana ula- ganja, uključuju i ulaganje u nekret- nine, sirovine, preduzetnički kapi- tal i druge investicione prilike u cilju ostvarenja stabilnog prinosa. Zašto ulagati u alternativne fondove, a ne u nekretnine? – Investitori imaju mogućnost slobodnog raspolaganja novcem, a mogu očekivati i prosečno više pri- nose od prihoda koje generišu ne- kretnine. Naša prednost jeste disper- zija investicija i rizika, brzo reagovanje na pozitivne signale tržišta, ali i br- zo prilagođavanje tržišnim prome- nama kako bismo doneli stabilne pri- nose ulagačima. Poređenja radi, pri investiranju u nekretninu, ciklus po- vraćaja investicije traje prosečno 20 godina. U tom smislu, ulaganje u al- ternativne investicione fondove je prilika novog doba. Kako vidite dalji razvoj Vista Rica fondova? – U 2024. godini smo do sada ostvarili prinos od 10,45% na sred- stva koja su nam investitori poverili na
upravljanje u fondu Vista Rica Invest. Nastavljamo sa širenjem našeg por- tfelja investicija, uvećanjem imovi- ne fonda i stvaranjem nove vrednosti za naše investitore. Naša misija je da nastavimo sa osnaživanjem tržišta kroz ulaganje u obrazovanje i eduka- ciju, da odgovornim i profesionalnim upravljanjem razvijemo svest da po- red štednje u bankama ili investiranja u nekretnine postoje i alternative in- vestiranja koje nose dugoročno više, stabilnije i održivije prinose.
over the next ten years. This is a very powerful segment of the capital mar- ket that’s available to everyone, both citizens and companies. Unlike tradi- tional funds, alternative ones encom- pass a wider range of investments, so in addition to stocks, bonds and mo- netary investments, they also include investments in real estate, raw mate- rials, entrepreneurial capital and other investment opportunities aimed at achieving stable returns. freely accessing their money, whi- le they can expect higher avera- ge returns than in the case of inco- me generated from real estate. Our advantage is the dispersal of inves- tments and risks, responding swif- tly to positive market signals, but also adapting quickly to market changes in order to ensure investors receive sta- ble returns. As a comparison, the re- turn on investment cycle lasts an ave- rage of 20 years when investing in real estate. In this sense, investing in alter- native investment funds is an oppor- tunity for the new era. Why invest in alternative funds, as opposed to real estate? Investors have the possibility of How do you view the further development of Vista Rica’s funds? We’ve achieved a return of 10.45% so far in 2024 on funds en- trusted to our management by inve- stors in the Vista Rica Invest fund. We are continuing to expand our inves- tment portfolio, increase the assets of the fund and create new value for our investors. Our mission is to continue strengthening the market through in- vestments in education, and to work through responsible and professional management to develop awarene- ss of the fact that, in addition to saving in banks or investing in real estate, in- vestment alternatives exists that yield higher, more stable and sustainable returns over the long term.
SERBIA HAS SHOWN ITSELF TO BE AN ATTRACTIVE MARKET FOR IN- VESTMENT FUNDS IN RECENT YE- ARS , with 20 funds active in the country, including as many as eight al- ternative funds. These developments provided ample reason for us to inter- view Zoran Popović, chairman of the Supervisory Board of Vista Rica AD Belgrade, an alternative investment fund management company. What are alternative investment funds? Alternative investment funds are relatively new to Serbia, despite the global alternative investment fund market currently being worth 12.8 tri- llion dollars and expected to double
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