Jubilej ustanove na čijem sam čelu mi prvenstveno izaziva osećaj ponosa jer je Pozorište na Terazijama uspelo da osta- ne na vrhu teatarske umetnosti u Beogradu, Srbiji i širom biv- še Jugoslavije. Osnovao ga je Radivoje Lola Đukić, pozorišni reditelj sa kojim sam i radio i okumio se. Imao sam privilegiju da od njega mnogo učim. Kad je osnovano, bilo je među pr- vim adresama za mjuzikle u Jugoslaviji, a opstalo je zahvalju- jući uglednim relevantnim umetnicima koji su dali svoj dopri- nos pozorištu sve te decenije. Specifičnost našeg Pozorišta je što je počelo da radi mjuzi- kle maltene kad i svetski poznat mjuzikl teatar na Brodveju. Na primer, „Priču sa zapadne strane“ i „Oklahomu“ smo igrali početkom 60-ih istovremeno kad i Brodvej. Naš raritet je i da svake večeri publici priuštimo jedan svetski naslov sa oko sto- tinu izvođača u ansamblu, a time retko koja pozorišna scena na svetu može da se pohvali. Sada imamo 11 predstava na repertoaru: „Fantom iz Opere, „Mamma Mia“, „Zona Zamfirova“, „Sa druge strane jastuka“, „Cigani lete u nebo“, „Brodvejske vragolije“, „Veče mjuzikla na Terazijama“... Godišnje predstavimo po jednu premijeru, a u 2024. su to bile „Žene na ivici nervnog sloma“. Mnogo glu- maca je započelo karijere, a i igralo u ovom pozorištu, ima pe- rioda da se okupe mladi ljudi koji generacijski obeleže reper- toar, a i mi možemo time da se pohvalimo. I pored činjenice da je mjuzikl zahtevan i jedan od najtežih scenskih žanrova, meni je uvek budio radost i veselje, a i sada kad ga gledam kao upravnik. Ta pozicija mi je omogućila da sagledam i drugačije uglove rada u kući mjuzikla koji ne trpi improvizaciju. Svaki detalj mora ozbiljno da se posma- tra, a i reč je o sceni na kojoj se sve vidi, tako da ne- talentovani ne prolaze. Određene naslove izvodimo preko 400 puta, karte su nam stalno rasprodate. Na ovoj sceni sam proveo gotovo 50 godina. Sa Sve- tislavom Buletom Goncićem igrao sam „Neki to vo- le vruće“ pune 32 godine. Dobro, sada ima novu po- delu. (smeh)
The anniversary of the institution that I head primarily instils in me a sense of pride, because Terazije Theatre has managed to stay at the top of the theatrical arts in Belgrade, Serbia and across the former Yugoslavia. It was founded by Radivoje Lola Đukić, a theatre director with whom I worked and became his best man. I had the privilege of learning a lot from him. When it was established, it was among the first addresses for musicals in Yugoslavia, and it has endured thanks to reputed and relevant artists who’ve given their own contributions to this theatre throughout all these decades. Our Theatre is specific in that it started performing musicals prac- tically at the same time as the world-famous musical theatres of Broadway. For example, we staged West Side Story and Oklaho- ma in the early 1960s, when they were simultaneously being per- formed on Broadway. We are also a rarity in that we treat audi- ences each evening to one worldclass title with around a hundred performers in the ensemble, which few theatres around the world can claim. We currently have 11 shows on the repertoire: The Phantom of the Opera, Mamma Mia!, Zona Zamfirova, On the Other Side of the Pillow, Gypsies Are Found Near Heaven, The Drowsy Chaperone, An Evening of Musicals on Terazije etc. We present a new premiere each year, and in 2024 that was Women on the Verge of a Nerv- ous Breakdown. Many actors launched their careers performing at this theatre; there are periods when young people gather and mark the repertoire generationally, and we can be proud of that. And regardless of the fact that musicals are demanding and that the musical is one of the most difficult theatrical genres, they have always brought me joy and happiness, and that’s still the case now, when I watch as an administrator. This position has en- abled me to observe different perspectives of work in the house of a musical that doesn’t abide improvisation. Every detail must be viewed with seriousness, and this is an au- ditorium where everything can be seen, so the untalent- ed don’t get a free pass. We perform certain shows over 400 times and our tickets are constantly sold out. I spent almost 50 years on this stage. Together With Svetislav ‘Bule’ Goncić, I performed in Some Like it Hot for a full 32 years…
S obzirom na to da imamo rasprodate predstave mesec dana unapred sa deset hitova, sadašnjost možemo da nazovemo Zlatnim dobom Pozorišta na Terazijama. Želim da ansambl zadrži zauvek energiju, razdraga- nost i stabilnost koju imamo i u na- rednim godinama. Videće se to najbolje u martu 2025, kada plani- ramo da izvedemo premijeru mjuzi- kla „Balkan ekspres“.
Considering that we have shows that are sold- out a month in advance, with ten hits, we can dub the present period the Golden Age of Ter- azije Theatre. I wish for the ensemble to al- ways retain the energy, exuberance and sta- bility that we have in the years to come. That will be most evident in March 2025, when we plan to perform the premiere of the musical Bal- kan Express.
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