Marbelja Marbella
Najbolje za atmosferu na obali
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Sa oko 325 sunčanih dana godišnje, Kosta del Sol možda nije prvo mesto koje pada na pamet za zimsku pauzu – ali bila bi velika greška da je otpiše- te. Marbelja spaja špansku tradiciju sa svojim urođenim glamurom i raznim božić nim pijacama koje ć e vam ispra- zniti novčanik. U La Virdžiniji svetluca- va svetla osvetljavaju kaldrmisane uli- ce dok tražite ručno rađene prese. Park Alameda je mesto za tradicionalne an- daluzijske poslastice, a Puerto Deporti- vo obeć ava jedinstveno iskustvo kupo- vine u marini. BEST FOR A COSTA VIBE With around 325 days of sunshine an- nually, the Costa del Sol might not be the first place that springs to mind for a winter break — but writing it off would be a mistake. Marbella fuses Spanish festivity with its innate glamour for a feel that’s completely unique, with a varie- ty of Christmas markets to tempt your wallet. In La Virginia, twinkling lights il- luminate cobbled streets while you browse for handmade gifts, while Alam- eda Park is the place to go for traditional Andalusian treats and Puerto Deportivo promises a unique coastal shopping ex- perience by the marina.
Španija / Spain let za Malagu / fly to Malaga (datumi se razlikuju za različite pijace / dates vary for different markets )
Budimpešta Budapest
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Najbolje za romantiku i osvetljenje Budimpešta za božićni market sto do- vodi dva kandidata – trg Vorošmar- ti i baziliku. Trg Vorošmarti nalazi se u samom srcu grada i najstarija je boži- ć na pijaca u Budimpešti. Ovde ć ete nać i mnogo štandova sa hranom, za- natskih radnji i besplatnih koncerata. Bazilika ima sve navedeno, ali s malim obrtom – tu su i božić ne laserske pro- jekcije na samoj katedrali, ali i klizalište koje ide oko velike božić ne jelke. Pra- vo mesto za zaljubljene parove. Mađarska / Hungary (do 1. januara / until 1 st January )
Budapest brings two Christmas mar- ket contenders to the table: Vorosmarty Square and Basilica. Vorosmarty Square is at the very heart of the city and is Bu- dapest’s oldest Christmas market. Here you’ll find plenty of food stalls, handicraft shops and free concerts. Basilica has all of the above, but also provides a slight edge with Christmas laser projections on the Basilica itself, as well as an ice rink that circles a grand Christmas tree. This is the right place for couples in love.
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