Elevate December 2024 | Air Serbia

Obavezno dođite gladni na božićne markete i zaboravite na dijete Be sure to come hungry to the Christmas

markets and forget about dieting

Beč Vienna Austrija / Austria (do 26. decembra / until 26 th December)

Najbolje za klizališta Dođe Božić i Beč zasija fenomenalnim svetlima svih boja. Snežne ulice blistaju dok se svetlost izli- va iz carskih palata i grandioznih habzburških zgra- da. Dodajte tome pić e u čuvenim bečkim kafeima i dobić ete grad pun jedinstvene praznične atmosfe- re. Bezbroj božić nih pijaca prostire se duž uskih ulica, nudeć i tezge prepune tradicionalnih drvenih igrača- ka i zanatskih proizvoda kao što su, recimo, ručno ra- đeni sapuni. Okrepite se šoljama kuvanog vina dok se hladan vazduh zagreva osvežavajuć om aromom pečenih kestena i svežih pereca. BEST FOR SKATING RINKS Vienna sparkles with fairy lights during the festive pe- riod. Its snow-covered streets glow as light spills out from vast palaces and grandiose Habsburg build- ings. Add steaming beverages at famous coffee hous- es and you’ve got a city full of a unique festive atmos- phere. Myriad Christmas markets spread out along the narrow streets, offering stalls overflowing with tra- ditional wooden toys and artisanal goods like hand- made soaps. Invigorate yourself with steaming mugs of mulled wine while the chill in the air is warmed by the enticing aroma of roasting chestnuts and fresh- ly baked pretzels.

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Christmas » Božić | 85

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