MEDICOM TOY X RINARO BE@RBRICK Pravi umetnički artefakt za one koji vole hajp kulturu, sad je dostupan u tri svetlu- cave nijanse: „Crystal Halo“, „Black Aurora“ i „Pearl Mirage“. Zbog slučajnog na- čina nanošenja iridescentnog finiša, nijedan zvučnik nije identičan, čineći svaki primerak jedinstvenim. Međutim, ovaj zvučnik nije samo igračka koja pušta mu- ziku; različiti delovi figurice imaju i funkcionalne karakteristike. Pomeranjem leve ruke, korisnik može slobodno da podešava jačinu zvuka, dok okretanjem desne ruke može kontrolisati prelazak između pesama. Za još snažniji audio-doživljaj, dva BE@RBRICK zvučnika mogu se upariti i funkcionisati kao stereo jedinica. MEDICOM TOY X RINARO BE@RBRICK A true artefact for those who love hype culture, it is now available in three irides- cent colours: Crystal Halo, Black Aurora and Pearl Mirage. Due to the randomised way the iridescent finish is applied, no two speakers are identical, which renders each one unique. However, this speaker isn’t merely a toy that plays music, as var- ious components of the figurine also have functional characteristics. The user can freely adjust the volume by twisting the left hand, while turning the right hand con- trols the transition between tracks. For an even more powerful audio experience, you can pair two BE@RBRICK speakers to function as a stereo unit.
HELIOT EMIL x Nocs Design Ova kolaborativna verzija „Monolith“ zvučni- ka je ultimativni minimalistički komad: uređaj koji kombinuje modernu dizajnersku filozofiju i posvećenost kvalitetu zvuka na kojoj insistira „Nocs Design“. Danski brend garderobe pod vođstvom Julijusa Jula neguje prepoznatljiv di- zajn, karakterističan po amorfnim srebrnim detaljima i monohromatskim tehnološkim odevnim predmetima. Taj identitet jasno je prisutan u zvučniku, koji je u potpunosti izra- đen od nerđajućeg čelika i teži približno 28 kg. Oštre pravougaone linije i jednostavan pro- fil omogućavaju sirovom, industrijskom ka- rakteru proizvoda da govori sam za sebe. Iako ostaje odlučno minimalističan, pet izloženih drajvera na prednjoj strani privlače pažnju na tehničku veštinu „Nocs Designa“.
HELIOT EMIL X NOCS DESIGN This collaborative version of the Monolith speak- er represents the ultimate minimalist gadget: a device that blends the philosophy of modern design and the commitment to sound quality that’s a Nocs Design imperative. Under the lead- ership of Julius Juul, Danish clothing brand Heliot Emil nurtures a distinctive design that’s charac- terised by amorphous silver details and mono- chromatic technological garments. Such iden- tity markers are clearly included in this speaker, which is made entirely of stainless steel and weighs approximately 28 kg. Sharp rectangu- lar lines and a simplistic profile ensure that the product’s raw, industrial character speaks for it- self. Despite remaining resolutely minimalist, five visible drivers on the front panel serve to draw attention to Nocs Design's technical prowess.
MCINTOSH PS1K SUBWOOFER Ovaj haj-end uređaj, prema rečima brenda, pruža „neprevaziđenu preci- znost i snagu basa“. PS1K je opremljen sa dva „McIntosh“ drajvera preč- nika 13 inča, koji koriste „Low Distortion High Performance (LD/HP) Ma- gnetic Circuit Design“, omogućavajući maksimalno rukovanje snagom uz smanjeno izobličenje. Sabvufer ima završnu obradu visokog sjaja i alumi- nijumsku bazu, i koristi složene membrane od karbonskih vlakana kako bi smanjio fleksibilnost. MCINTOSH PS1K SUBWOOFER According to the brand, this high-end device delivers “unmatched bass precision and power”. The PS1K is fitted with two McIntosh drivers that each have a 13-inch diameter and utilise the Low Distortion High Perfor- mance (LD/HP) Magnetic Circuit Design, enabling the maximising of pow- er handling while reducing distortion. This subwoofer has a high-gloss black façade and aluminium base, while it uses complex carbon fibre mem- branes to combat flex.
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