VODOPADI Nepristupačan, divlji i stenoviti teren Stare planine mesto je na kojem se nalazi trećina vodopada u našoj zem- lji. To je predeo koji poseduje mnoštvo zanimljivih i skrivenih dragulja koji tek čekaju da budu otkriveni. Najveći vo- dopad u Srbiji nalazi se upravo ovde – Kaluđerski skok, kralj svih vodopada, predstavlja savršenstvo prirode. Tu je i vodopad Tupavica, koji pada niz ka- mene stene i vegetaciju u prelepim kaskadama i stvara bajkovit prizor. Vo- dopad Bigar jedan je od najzanimlji- vijih, a njegova jedinstvenost i lepota posebno dolaze do izražaja zbog ne- stvarnog ambijenta koji ga okružuje. WATERFALLS Stara Planina’s inaccessible, wild and rocky terrain is home to a third of all waterfalls in Serbia. This area also hides many interesting and myste- rious gems that still await discovery. Serbia’s highest and longest water- fall is located precisely in the area of the most beautiful nature of Stara Planina. Kaluđerski skok [The Monk‘s Leap], the king of waterfalls, repre- sents the perfection of nature. Best visited during the spring months, be prepared for a major climb and inaccessible terrain. There is also the Tupavica Waterfall, which flows through rocks and greenery in beau- tiful cascades, creating a fairytale scene. The Bigar Waterfall is among the most interesting, while the surre- al environment surrounding it serves to accentuate its uniqueness and beauty. LAZAREV KANJON Usečen u masivne krečnjačke stene ispod Malinika u dužini od 9 kilome- tara okomitih, divljih litica, sa broj- nim procepima i pećinama, predstav- lja najduži i najdublji kanjon u istočnoj Srbiji. U najužem delu širok je samo tri do četiri metra, a dubina dostiže i do 500 metara. Na pojedinim mestima reka prolazi između ukleštenih kame- nih blokova koji čine prirodne mosto- ve. Ovo područje odlikuje se dolinama impozantnih dimenzija i oblika, broj- nim i značajnim speleološkim objek- tima (više od 70 pećina i jama), bo- gatim biljnim i životinjskim svetom…
LAZAR’S CANYON Carved into thick limestone rock under Malinik Mountain, extending over a dis- tance of nine kilometres of sheer, wild cliffs, complete with numerous fissures and caves, this area represents eastern Serbia’s longest and deepest canyon. Only three to four metres wide in its narrowest section, it reaches depths of as deep as 500 metres. There are even certain points at which the river passes between natural stone blocks that have wedged together to form natural bridg- es. The territory is characterised by a wealth of exceptional natural treasures, including a network of limestone can- yon valleys of impressive dimensions and forms, numerous significant spe- leological objects (more than 70 caves and pits), rich flora and fauna etc. KUČAJ I BELJANICA Planine Kučaj i Beljanica našle su se u elitnom društvu nacionalnih parkova zbog netaknute prirode. Severna gra- nica ovog parka je Beljanica, a južna Ku- čaj, pod čijim najvišim vrhom izvire Resa- va. Ovo područje je, pre svega, najveći rezervoar pitke vode u Srbiji, sa mno- gobrojnim izvorima i vrelima. Osim to- ga, ima očuvane velike površine pod šu- mama, dok su Kučajske planine ujedno najveći nenaseljeni prostor u Srbiji. Pe- ćine i drugi speleološki objekti, njih 150, posebno su blago ovog kraja, a najpo-
znatije su Velika Atula, Radoševa i Zlot- ska pećina. U čitavom području rastu stare, reliktne biljne vrste kao što su ti- sa, bršljan i jorgovan, ali tu je i srpska ra- monda, cvet feniks čijim se nošenjem na reveru u Srbiji obeležava Dan primir- ja u Prvom svetskom ratu. Planinska ce- lina Kučaj-Beljanica dom je i za 23 odsto faune gmizavaca, 130 vrsta ptica i 70 odsto ukupne faune sisara. Među nji- ma su i ris, vidra, mrki medved i vuk. A tu su i manastiri... KUČAJ & BELJANICA The mountains of Kučaj and Beljan- ica were added to the select com- pany of national parks thanks to their pristine nature. Beljanica marks the northern boundary of this park, while the Kučaj range marks its southern ex- treme, where the highest peak tow- ers over the source of the river Resa- va. This area is first and foremost home to the largest reservoir of potable water in Serbia, with numerous karst sourc- es and springs. It also boasts large ar- eas of preserved forestland, while the Kučaj mountains also represent Ser- bia’s largest uninhabited area. Repre- senting a special treasure of this ar- ea are its caves and other speleological objects, a total of 150, the most famous of which are the Velika Atula, Radoše- va and Zlotska caves. The entire area is home to ancient relict plant species, such as English yew, common ivy and li- lac, while also growing here is the Ra- monda Serbica, the Serbian phoenix flower, which is worn on the lapel in Ser- bia to commemorate Armistice Day. The Kučaj-Beljanica massif is home to 23 per cent of the country’s reptilian fauna, 130 species of bird and 70 per cent of all mammalian fauna. They in- clude lynx, otter, brown bear and wolf. The area is also home to several mon- asteries… MANASTIR MANASIJA Okružen mirom i tišinom, u živopisnoj kli- suri reke Resave, nedaleko od Despo- tovca, nalazi se manastir Manasija, ko- ji svojim velelepnim hramom i snažnim utvrđenjem vekovima privlači pažnju putopisaca. Jedan je od najznačajnijih spomenika srpske srednjovekovne kul- ture i najznačajnija građevina koja pripa- da takozvanoj moravskoj školi. Manastir
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