Elevate December 2024 | Air Serbia

Područja Stare planine i planina

Kučaj i Beljanica pre dve godine dobila su najviši stepen zaštite države i postala prva dva nacionalna parka proglašena u Srbiji nakon 40 godina The territory of Stara Planina and mountains Kučaj and Beljanica received the highest level of state protection two years ago, becoming Serbia’s first two new national parks after a 40-year break

je zadužbina despota Stefana Lazare- vića, čije se mošti, po analizama, nala- ze u južnom delu crkve, ispod bele mer- merne ploče. Osim kulturnog i istorijskog značaja, skladne arhitekture harmonič- nih linija i ostataka monumentalnog utvr- đenja, ono što Manasiju svrstava u vrh srednjovekovnih dragulja jeste njen ži- vopis. Iako je sačuvana tek trećina fresa- ka, živopis Manasije spada u red najve- ćih dometa srednjovekovnog slikarstva. Danas ženski manastir, čije je sestrin- stvo posvećeno molitvi i očuvanju ma- nastirskog kompleksa i života u njemu, Manasija i dalje predstavlja svedočan- stvo o neobično živoj umetničkoj i kultur- noj aktivnosti u Srbiji s početka 15. veka. MANASIJA MONASTERY OIsolated in tranquil serenity, in the picturesque gorge of the river Resa- va, close to the town of Despotovac, stands Manasija Monastery, which has attracted the attention of travel writ- ers for centuries, thanks to its magnifi- cent temple and strong fortifications. One of the most important monu- ments of Serbia’s medieval culture and the most important structure of the so- called Morava School of architecture,

zadužbina kneza Lazara Hrebeljanovića. Njegovo telo preneto je u Ravanicu 1392. godine. Od Velike seobe 1690. godine, mošti svetog kneza nalazile su se u Sent Andreji, kraj Budimpešte. Odatle ubrzo bivaju premeštene u Vrdnik, gde ostaju do 1942. godine, kada su donete u Be- ograd, da bi napokon, uz velike počasti, bile ponovo vraćene u Lazarevu zaduž- binu 1989. godine. RAVANICA MONASTERY Ravanica Monastery is located approx- imately 10 kilometres east of Ćupri- ja, on the road to Despotovac, and represents the most impressive edi- fice of the Morava School of architec- ture. This monastery is the largest and chief endowment of Prince Lazar Hre- beljanović. His mortal remains were first transferred to Ravanica in 1392. Then, following the Great Serb Migration of 1690, the relics of this holy prince were relocated to the town of Szentendre near Budapest, from whence they were quickly moved to Vrdnik, where they re- mained until being moved to Belgrade in 1942, only to finally be returned, with great honours, to this endowment of Lazar in 1989.

the monastery was founded by Des- pot Stefan Lazarević and analysis has shown that his mortal remains are bur- ied in the southern part of the church, under a white marble slab. Apart from its cultural and historical sig- nificance, balanced architecture of harmonious lines and the remains of a monumental fortress, Manasija ranks among the top jewels of the medieval period thanks to its painted walls. De- spite only a third of this monastery’s original frescoes having been pre- served, Manasija’s painted works rank among the greatest achievements of medieval church art. Today functioning as a convent, with a sisterhood that’s dedicated wholeheartedly to prayer and the preservation of the monastery complex and life within it, Manasija con- tinues to stand as testimony to the unu- sually lively artistic and cultural activities that took place in the Serbia of the ear- ly 15 th century. MANASTIR RAVANICA Nalazi se na oko 10 kilometara istočno od Ćuprije, na putu za Despotovac, i pred- stavlja najimpozantniju građevinu mo- ravske škole. Manastir je najveća i glavna

Eastern Serbia » Istočna Srbija | 97

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