Gurmanluci istočne Srbije / Gourmets of Eastern Serbia
WHEN IT COMES TO THE TRADITIONS OF STARA PLANINA , we can’t fail to mention its culi- nary specialities, which provide a real taste of heaven for all lovers of good eating. The preparation of tasty and traditional dishes is a special characteristic of this entire area, and those specialities include belmuž, an old shepherd’s speciality, Pirot white cheese, which de- lights with its aroma, Stara Planina honey of the high-
est quality, and broad bean aspic, which is the perfect appetizer during Lent. Across the whole of eastern Serbia, which is known for its fertile, healthy land, clear, trout-rich rivers and hunting grounds rich in large and small game, viticulture, hunting and fishing are all common- place. Along with wide- ly renowned wines, your local hosts will spoil you with a special gourmet ex- perience. Here the food is always good, plentiful and tasty. Try grape vine sar-
KADA JE REČ O TRADICIJI STARE PLA- NINE, nezaobilazni su njeni gurmanski spe- cijaliteti, koji su pravo uživanje za sve lju- bitelje dobrog zalogaja. Priprema ukusnih i tradicionalnih jela je posebna osobenost ce- log kraja, a u specijalitete spadaju belmuž, stari pastirski specijalitet, pirotski beli sir koji će vas oduševiti svojom aromom, staro- planinski med vrhunskog kvaliteta i pihtije od boba, savršeno predjelo za vreme posta. U celoj istočnoj Srbiji poznatoj po plod- noj i zdravoj zemlji, bistrim rekama boga- tim pastrmkom i drugom ribom, lovištima punim krupne i sitne divljači, veoma su za- stupljeni vinogradarstvo, lov i ribolov. Uz nadaleko čuvena vina, domaćini će vam pri-
uštiti poseban gurmanski doživljaj. Svuda se jede dobro, mnogo i uku- sno. U Grljanu kod Zaječara probaj- te sarmice od vinove loze i ljuteni- cu, a u Negotinu vlašku plačintu i srnetinu sa suvim šljivama, u Kuče- vu kačamak koji se jede umesto hle- ba, a pravi od belog brašna... Narav- no, uz svako ovo fenomenalno jelo obavezno probajte jednu od autoh- tonih sorti vina. Peglana kobasica Iz pirotskog kraja ne smete oti- ći dok ne probate pirotski kačkavalj, koji se prosto topi u ustima, ili ču- venu peglanu kobasicu – vrhunski specijalitet proizveden od najkva- litetnijeg mesa pomešanog sa zači- nima. Peglana mora biti ljuta ili bar diskretno ljuta, jer njena magija je baš u toj specifičnosti ukusa. Ko- basica se nakon punjenja vezuje u
mice with spicy ljutenica chutney in the Zaječar suburb of Grljan, or Vlaške Plašinte pastries and venison with prunes in Negotin, or kačamak por- ridge in Kučevo, where it is made from white flour and eaten instead of bread... Of course, you simply must try one of the autochthonous wine varieties alongside all of these fantastic dishes. The ironed sausage One mustn’t leave the Pirot ar- ea without first trying Pirot kačkav- alj cheese, which simply melts in the mouth, or the famous ironed sausage – a top speciality prepared using the highest quality meat mixed with spic- es. The Ironed sausage must be spicy, or at least discreetly piquant, because the magic is precisely in that specific flavour. After being stuffed, the sau- sage is tied in the shape of the letter
Belmuž je pastirski specijalitet koji se već vekovima priprema na Staroj planini Belmuž is an old shepherd’s speciality that’s been prepared in Stara Planina households for centuries
obliku slova „U“ i suši na promaji. Prija joj pirot- ska klima, optimalna temperatura treba da bude između minus pet i plus pet stepeni, bez vlage i velikog mraza. Tokom perioda sušenja kobasice se svaka dva-tri dana peglaju (najčešće flašom) – zbog čega se i zovu peglane, nakon čega dobiju oblik potkovice. Svi sastojci su potpuno prirod- ni, bez konzervansa, aditiva, veštačkih boja, bez termičke obrade i izlaganja dimu.
U and air dried. It is suited to the Pirot climate, with the optimal curing temperature between minus five and plus five degrees Celsius, free of excessive mois- ture and harsh frost. Throughout the curing period, the sausages are ‘ironed’ every two or three days (most of- ten rolled flat with a bottle) – hence the name – which leads to them taking the shape of a horseshoe. All in- gredients are completely natural, without preserva- tives, additives and artificial colours, but also free of heat or smoke processing.
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