Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology Catalog: 1975-1976

P615 Community Mental Health II: Community Resources (2)

An investigation of federal, state, county and local agencies, both public and private, involved in preventive and corrective efforts to bring emotional well being to citizens of the community. Emphasis on helping the psycholo­ gist to make coordinated use of available services for treatment programs. P616 Community Mental Health Ill: The Culturally and Economically Disadvantaged (2) An inquiry into the life styles of the so-called culturally disadvantaged groups, particularly the educationally and economically deprived. Counsel­ ing and therapeutic methods are examined and altered on the basis of cultural differences in order to increase professional effectiveness. P617 Community Mental Health IV: Seminar in Marriage (3) A seminar on marriage adjustment designed to help students develop a pro­ gram for community education of married and premarriage couples. Each student is responsible for planning, outlining and leading a series of training and educational lectures, discussions and activities for a group of married couples. P621 Assessment II (3) A continuation of P522 with special emphasis on the Minnesota Multiphastic Personality Inventory and projective assessment measures. P631 Advanced Techniques in Counseling and Psychotherapy I (2), II (2) An in-depth study of the counseling relationship and the process of therapy. Special attention is given to the concepts of transference, countertransference, resistance and interpretation. Prerequisite: P602 and permission of instructor P632 Research Problems in Psychotherapy (2) Consideration of research approaches to studying the process and outcomes of psychotherapy. Special emphasis placed on measurement of process and outcomes, design and execution of research, and status of psychotherapy research to date. Students actively involved in reviewing and evaluating psychotherapy research in selected areas. Prerequisite: P601 P635 Diagnosis and Remediation of Learning Disabilities (3) Methods used by psychologists and school specialists in the diagnosis and remediation of learning problems. State laws relating to placement of chil­ dren and youth in special programs for remedial procedures. Prerequisite: P522


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