Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology Catalog: 1975-1976

Thorough preparation for professional practice in psychology must include extensive experience with both normal and pathological be­ havior, intensive supervision and case consultation, and the personal sensitivity to deal with unique personalities in a variety of settings. These strategic elements have often failed to receive needed atten­ tion in the research-oriented programs following the scientist-profes­ sional model. In following the professional model the Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology continues to stress the importance of the scientific method and of a working knowledge of the data and theory of scien­ tific psychology. It is essential for a psychological practitioner to be grounded in the data of his science and to develop an objective, inquiring spirit. Training in general psychological theory and research is considered essential to competent professional practice as well as to the evaluation of research and the development of research tech­ niques appropriate to the unique problems of professional psychology. In accordance with this philosophy Rosemead has developed a doctoral program combining scientific foundations in general and experimental psychology with courses and practicum facilities de­ signed to promote insights and skills necessary for effective profes­ sional service.

It is the primary goal of the Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology to provide students with necessary tools for a broad understanding of human behavior including the psychological and theological formulations regarding the nature of personality function­ ing. Having this foundation, a sec­ ond goal is to provide graduates with training necessary to enable them to make application of fact and theory to the pressing prob­ lems of humanity. The achieve­ ment of these objectives requires the following:

(1) Knowledge and understanding of the content, theory and methodolog­ ical procedures of psychology as a science (2) A basic grounding in the theological view of man (3) Specialized knowledge of personality development and functioning including healthy as well as pathological methods of adaptation (4) Understanding of overall human functioning as it relates specifically to educational and vocational endeavors (5) Personal sensitivity and effective interpersonal skills


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