
A — October 25 - November 7, 2013 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


M id A tlantic R eal E state J ournal A uctions J. Gregory Ellis, CCIM and Rich Dudek orchestrate sale Patterson-Woods/CORFAC International sells Wilmington office building totaling $1.7 million


i lmi ngton , DE — Patterson- Woods Commer-

property investment and management firm. The buyer was 913 Market LLC, an

and Pennsylvania for over 40 years. Patterson-Woods Commercial Properties is a

cialProper- t ies /COR- FAC Inter- n a t i o n a l p r e s i d e n t D u n c a n Patterson, CCIM , an- nounced that his company has sold a 12- story, down- town Wilm- ington office building for slightlymore t han $ 1 . 7 million that was co-listed na t i ona l l y with Auction.com.

“This is a value-add opportunity for the buyer and a fair market-rate transaction for all parties involved,” said Rich Dudek.

entity of Sky Management Services, LLC. The sale was originated through Auction.com, one of the nation’s leading online marketplace for commer- cial and residential building sales, with Ellis and Dudek managing regional market- ing duties and processing the sale. The property sold in a 24-hour period using the Internet auction process with electronic bids. “This is a value-add op- portunity for the buyer and a fair market-rate transaction for all parties involved,” said Rich Dudek. Patterson-Woods Commer- cial Properties / CORFAC International a commercial real estate services firm spe- cializing in the Mid-Atlantic commercial property mar- kets. We have been providing the most complete selection of commercial real estate services to the communi- ties of Delaware, Maryland

second generation company well known for facilitating solutions to the needs of the business community and de- velopers of real property. CORFAC International (Corporate FacilityAdvisors) is comprised of privately held entrepreneurial firms with expertise in office, industrial and retail real estate leasing and investment sales, multi- family property acquisitions and dispositions, property management and corporate services. In association with FIABCI (the International Real Es- tate Federation) and global affiliates, CORFAC Interna- tional offers commercial real estate services with market reach in 65 countries world- wide. In recent years, COR- FAC firms have averaged over 9600 completed transac- tions annually totaling more than 513 million s/f worth an excess of $5.95 billion for their customers. n

J. Gregory Ellis

Rich Dudek

Patterson-Woods’ J. Greg- ory Ellis, CCIM and Rich Dudek were the only bro- kers involved in the sale of 913 North Market St. in Wilmington. The building is approximately 81,828 (gross) feet of which about 72,000 s/f is rentable. Built in 1983, approximately 60 percent of the office space was occupied at the time of sale. The seller was Delaware Offices, a Wilmington-based

913 North Market St.

Richard G. Warner, President NJ & PA Licensed Real Estate Broker Warner Real Estate & Auction Co., Inc. 109 East Grant Street, Suite B Woodstown, NJ 08098 Ph: (856) 769-4111 ext 710 Website: www.WarnerRealtors.com

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