
C — October 25 - November 7, 2013 — Executive Women in Business — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


Executive Women in Business

Joni Sweetwood & Janet Bortz, The Kislak Company, Inc. Joni Sweetwood, Senior Vice President Janet Bortz, Vice President


feel makes you most suc- cessful in your profes- sion? My perseverance, determi- nation, analytical, and orga- nizational skills have contrib- uted to my success. I don’t take no for an answer. What challenges and or obstacles do you feel you needed to overcome to be- come as successful as you are today? I had to learn not to take things personally. Things that occur in the business or throughout a transaction are not about you personally. I also had to learn Internet marketing more to promote

oni Sweetwood, Senior Vice President Tell us how and when

my exclusive listings and ac- complishments. Doyoufeelbeingawoman is an advantage in today’s business world? Why? No, I feel that it is neither an advantage nor disadvantage. Do you feel there are any differences in the way that men and women develop business relationships and if so, what activities or ven- ues do you participate in? Men often network through sports, whether playing golf or discussing sports. I have found that women tend to be more focused on their families, especially with any spare time. I do volunteer work with a

variety of charities. Tell us a little about your family. I am married with two chil- dren: Julie, 26, and Matt, 23. I love that Julie is following in my footsteps at Kislak and is doing well. Matt is at Morgan Stanley in their real estate investment group. Since women are still the primary caregiver to children what obstacle and challenges do you meet on a day to day basis? Given the ages of my chil- dren, I do not face the daily caregiver challenges. I am fo- cused on helping Julie develop her career and helping Matt with his career. Who do you feel was most influential inyour lifewhen choosing this profession? I did not choose this pro- f ession. Once I became a CPA, jobs have always found me both in banking and real es- tate. What is the funniest, most unique situation you have faced / conquered during your business career? When I first moved to New Jersey, I interviewed with and ultimately worked for The Howard Savings Bank. I had a great interview, initially discussing art and then “work- outs.” The interviewer re- peatedly discussed workouts. Humorously, I thought he was talking about exercise. Of course, I later realized he was talking about loan workouts. Since then I have handled or participated in more loan workouts than I can count, both as a banker and broker. What outside activities do you enjoy during you free time? I enjoy exercising, primar- ily walking or playing tennis, and am also a “foodie.” I enjoy eating. What do you feel is the key to your success? As a CPA with an MBA in finance, I have learned to be very analytical and my personality is that I am very driven. This is a winning com- bination. Janet Bortz, Vice President Tell us how andwhen you began your career in the profession you are in? About 17years ago, I changed careers, moving from product marketing to real estate. Af- ter working two years in real estate development, I joined continued on page 14C

which I joined in 1996. What were some of your early goals and did any-

thing hap- pen in you c a r e e r / profession to change them? Mygoal has always been to establish andmaintain a reputation

you began your career in the pro- fession you are in? I was a vice president and REO portfo- lio manager for Midlan- tic Bank and

Joni Sweetwood

Janet Bortz

of excellence. Once people believe in you and know that they can rely on you, business follows. What unique qualities and or personality do you

was previously with The How- ard Savings Bank. While at Midlantic, the future was uncertain as PNC was pur- chasing Midlantic. A colleague recommended me to Kislak,


Investment Real Estate Brokerage Congratulations to Senior Vice President Joni Sweetwood & Vice President Janet Bortz for recognition in the Executive Women in Business Spotlight. Their hard work, client dedication and integrity exemplify why Kislak has been so successful for over 107 years.

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