WBS Executive MBA Talent Profiles 2023

Executive MBA connections

Whether you’re an Executive MBA student at WBS, or an employer looking to recruit our top talent, there are a number of ways you can connect.

Professional networks You can join one of our professional networks, which bring together students, alumni and staff who all share a common interest in a specific industry or sector. Popular events include keynote lectures from inspirational leaders, panel discussions focused on sharing industry insights, and social events to broaden your professional network. wbs.ac.uk/alumni/professional-networks W Award-winning mentoring programme Our award-winning, Investors in People (IIP) accredited Global Mentoring Programme allows you to explore career options, workplace dilemmas and professional development challenges with someone who has already experienced similar situations. If you’re successful in gaining a place on the programme you’ll be mentored by a WBS alum for a period of two years, either during or beyond your studies. The programme costs £345 for two years. wbs.ac.uk/alumni/mentoring-programme

Recruiting our Executive MBAs If you’re looking to recruit one of our talented and ambitious Executive MBA students into a permanent position in your organisation, contact our Employer Relations team:

wbs.ac.uk/working-with-wbs +44 (0)24 7657 4862 EmployerRelations@wbs.ac.uk


Global community A valuable career asset open to you as an Executive MBA are the connections you’ll make during and beyond your studies. On completion of your degree, you’ll join the WBS global community of more than 56,000 alumni from over 167 countries. You’ll be able to join one of our Global Alumni Networks which host a number of professional and social events each year, as well as Warwick’s alumni groups.




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