King's Business - 1957-03

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Sirs: It seems so unfortunate that a Christian magazine should have printed an article against the Hox­ sey treatment when untold num­ bers of Christians have been pray­ ing for its continuance. The maga­ zine has always supposed to stand for the right. It is like losing con­ fidence in an old friend. Pasadena, Calif. A. H. Abbot Sirs: Ever since we received the No­ vember issue we have wanted to send our comment on the article by Mr. Stedman, “ The Christian and Worldliness.” It is a dangerous article in that it encourages all to avoid any definite stand on what is right or wrong. This article is presented in a sensational way and given such prominence that it is most attractive to the scripturally untaught, looking for something FROM TIMES SQUARE WORD o r L I F E w i t h Jack Wyrtzen Am e r ic a s only Coast to Coast Youth Broadcast now on MUTUAL RADIO NETWORK every Saturday night Worldliness (Cont'd) m


Sirs: I have greatly enjoyed T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s for some time now and was very disappointed to see the magazine used against the Hox­ sey Cancer Clinic. After losing a sister, a brother, a nephew, a cousin and many friends with cancer, all having had repeated operations and extensive X-ray treatments, I think I have a right to say something about the medical men and their treatment of cancer. They say if they get the case in the beginning they can cure it. They had a chance at an early stage with each of my loved ones but failed. I would like to ask the American Cancer Society to be fair and hon­ est; admit that no cancer has ever been cured by operation or X-ray and stop using taxpayer’s money to fight those who are treating can­ cer in different ways than they are. Pueblo, Colo. Mrs. S. W. Medde

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