King's Business - 1957-03

new. Bible truth is still the same, and separation is two-fold —from the world and unto God. Most of our friends at the Church of the Open Door share our opinion that T h e K in g ’ s B usiness has been deteriorating in spiritual tone. A number of them no longer sub­ scribe because of this. One of my friends who receives T he K in g ’ s B usiness as a gift, but prefers other better Christian magazines, told me that she burned the November issue because of Stedman’s dangerous article, rather than passing it on for others to read as she usually does. Los Angeles, Calif. Dr. and Mrs. Eric Witt Sirs: You put into writing some things I have been thinking and talking over with others for some time. I grew up in a Plymouth Brethren assembly in St. Louis. My folks were personal friends of Dr. Iron­ side and the Bible teaching I re­ ceived was the very best in some ways. However, because of my in­ terest in Youth for Christ and Young Life Campaign I was severe­ ly criticized by many of our friends. I was raised on a set of standards but in recent months I have seen how little these standards accom­ plish. In my work with high schoolers I found that many of those from Christian homes who were “ separated Christians” never won anyone to the Lord. Whereas, one girl we had who was a new Christian and not quite separated had won seven others in one year. I agree with you that this does not mean that we should let our standards down, but I realize some­ thing more than a set of rules is necessary. We now belong to an independ­ ent church and the pastor and I have been discussing these things at some length. He has also read your article and feels that it is a much needed challenge— so much so that he is going to preach along this line a week from Sunday. Spartanburg, S.C. Charles Wallington Christian Supply Shoppe Reprint copies in an attractive 32-page booklet of “ The Christian & Worldliness” are still available at 10c each. Send your order to The Editors, The King’s Business, 55 8 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. — ED.

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