King's Business - 1957-03

WOR James O. Henry, M.A., Edite

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to teach boys and girls to listen, hear and answer when Jesus calls Ten true-to-the-Bible les­ sons devoted to specific calls to Christian action — all adapted for each age group, Nursery through Teen-age, Colorful workbooks will fascinate the youngsters and make learning a pleasure. Complete teachers’ manuals will challenge the most ex­ perienced and make even the beginning teacher a successl FREE PLAN BOO K Ask for FREE R l a n b o o k describing course, or order. I n t r o d u c t o r y K it contain­ ing one each of 5 pupils’ workbooks and teachers’ manuals, plus publicity mate­ rials and Planbook. Order No. 9211, only $3.75. from your Bookstore, Publishing House , or STANDARD PUBLISHING Cincinnati 31, Ohio

More Bibles A record budget of $4,310,000 for the work of the American Bible Society in 1957 has been adopted by its board of managers. This com­ pares with a 1956 budget of $3,858,- 000. Nearly $2,000,000 of the new budget was allocated for the publi­ cation of the Scriptures. FCC and Atheists The F ed e r a l Communications Commission has rejected a request that it cancel the licenses of two San Francisco radio stations be­ cause they did not offer an atheist “ equal time” to reply to a religious program. The protest was filed by Robert H. Scott of Saratoga, Calif., who contended that a religious pro­ gram broadcast by stations KGO and KGO-FM had directly attacked atheism. Mr. Scott stated that he had conferred with the station offi­ cials about his views hut had not actually asked for air time to reply to the religious program. He argued that failure of the station to offer such, time violated commission regulations. Liquor Sales Curb Until 21 Teenagers attending the 21st an­ nual Hi-Y mock assembly at Al­ bany, N. Y. approved a “ bill” that would increase the legal age for purchasing alcoholic beverages in New York State from 18 to 21. The group’s “ Senate” voted 57- 29 to raise the age level, sought by church and educational groups and opposed strongly by the state’s liquor industry. Neighboring states, such as New Jersey, have asked New York to raise its legal age, contending that teenagers from their communities are coming to New York to get alcoholic drmks. The Hi-Y assembly represents high school pupils 15-17 years old. A Tryst with Destiny “ Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full meas­ ure, but very substantially. At the

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