King's Business - 1957-03


and Henry. Subject and Scripture indexes complete the volume. 95 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.75. The Chaos o f Cults By J. K. Van Baalen The second and revised edition of this work on the history, doctrines and practices of the cults, long one of the most complete handbooks on the exalts, c o n t a i n s m u c h new material, particularly on Mormonism and the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The chapter on Buchmanism has been completely rewritten. Many excerpts from the l a t e s t U n i t a r i a n and Modernistic books have been includ­ ed, and a new chapter, not included in previous editions, has been written on Swedenborgianism. The bibliog­ raphy has been c o n s i d e r a b l y en­ larged. 409 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.95. Ins and Outs of Romanism By Joseph Zacchello The author, a native of Venice, Italy, former Roman Catholic priest, is now the Protestant editor of The Convert, a monthly magazine pub­ lished by converted priests. The book takes up many points on which both Catholics and Protestants need to be informed, such as how the pope came into power, clerical celibacy, Cathol­ icism in Catholic countries, Catholic doctrines, Protestant-Catholic mar­ riages and parochial versus public schools. A glossary of Roman Catholic terms concludes the book. 199 pages; cloth; Loizeaux Brothers, New York, N.Y.; $2.00. The A rt o f Happy Christian hiving By Leslie Parrott This is a popxolarly written prac­ tical guide to full Christian living. Every aspect of the believer’s daily life is covered and Bible advice is given for guidance. A book like this is especially helpful for young people and young Christians. 121 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.00. Principles and Problems of This is the most complete textbook on American government we have seen. Full discussion of the historical aspects of constitutional development are accompanied by the finest tables and illustrations. This is the second edition, revised and enlarged. 852 pages; cloth; Oxford University Press, New York, N.Y.; $6.25. END. American Government By John M . Swarthout and Ernest R. Bartley

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Your g ifts are f orwarded as sp e e fied Gr .to the place where needed most. W O R L D V I S I O I N C . DR . F R A N K C . P H I L L I P S , E x e c u tiv e S e c r e t a r y D E P A R T M E N T B — P. O . B O X O — P A S A D E N A , C A L I F O R N I A ADELAIDECHRISTIAN DOME FOR CHILDREN Ebenezer Cottage, a lovely seven room residence, has just been completed, thus providing a single family unit to care for a maxi­ mum o f four children o f Junior High and High School age. OUR NEED is for a Christian couple (with no children) to staff this home. The husband may be employed as in any normal family unit. Any qualified persons interested in serving the Lord in this way may write to R. B. Matthews, Supt., Adelaide Christian Home for Children, 5441 Overland Avenue, Culver City, California.


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