King's Business - 1957-03

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Lab Donald S. Robertson, Ph.D. Chairman, Dept, of Science, Biola Bible College

W h en W a s Adam Created?

O ne problem that both the scientist and the theologian are interested in is the antiquity of man. Both have used techniques peculiar to their respective fields to date man’s first ap­ pearance. The conservative theolo­ gians have attempted to fix this date by following back through the gen­ ealogies of the Old Testament. Bishop Ussher used this technique to arrive at the date of 4004 B.C. for the cre­ ation of Adam which was accepted by the church for many years. However, with the discoveries of the remains of primitive men, which the scientist dated in the tens of thousands of years, it became neces­ sary to re-evaluate the biblical rec­ ord. Perhaps something had been overlooked in the earlier estimates. As a result of much study by con­ servative and other scholars, it has come to be generally accepted today that some of Ussher’s dates, particu­ larly those involving the patriarchs, are not too reliable. Different schol­ ars have interpreted the genealogy of the Old Testament in different ways. However, there seems to be general agreement today that the date for Adam and Eve is considerably earlier than 4004 B.C. Some have gone so far as to sug­ gest that the Bible does not supply sufficient evidence to determine a definite date for Adam. If this is true, it will mean that the Christian is dependent on the scientist to fix the date of the first man for us. The scientist is only too glad to do this. His present-day estimate places the appearance of man at about 500,000 years ago.

Although the genealogies of the Bible will allow the Christian to ac­ cept this date for the creation of Adam, there are other factors which must be considered which make it difficult to accept such a figure. One of these is the fact that early in the history of man, as recorded in the Bible, we have the appearance of a rather advanced civilization in which the cultivation of plants, domestica­ tion of animals, metallurgy and city building had been accomplished. But the scientist finds no record of such things until after man had been on earth for many thousands of years. Until recently it appeared that ad­ vanced cultures first appeared along the Nile and Tigris-Euphrates Rivers about 3500 B.C. This leaves a con­ siderable span of time between the first man and such civilized commu­ nities. The Bible gives no hint of such a lapse of time. The solution of this problem will undoubtedly come in time as both the scientist and theologian obtain new insight into the evidence on hand and of that yet to be discovered. Re­ cently some archaeological discoveries have been made that illustrate how further scientific research may help to narrow the gap between the Bible and the scientific evidence. Some re­ cent carbon-14 dates of material taken from the mound on which ancient Jericho was built would indicate that there was a city there about 6000 B.C. Thus it appears that a civiliza­ tion similar to that described in the fourth chapter of Genesis has been around about twice as long as the scientist had previously thought. END.

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Esteem not thyself better than others, lest in the sight of God thou be accounted worse than they. Be not proud of thy good works, for the judgment of God is far different from the judgment of men. If there be any good in thee, believe that there is much more in others. It hurts thee not, if thou thinkest thyself worse than all men; but it hurts thee much to prefer thyself before any one man. The humble enjoy continued peace, but in the heart of the proud is envy and frequent indignation. — Thomas a Kempis

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