King's Business - 1957-03

4. What words of encouragement did Paul speak during the terrific storm? (w. 2 1 , 22 .) 5. Where did Paul gain his knowl­ edge of future events in this connec­ tion? (vv. 23, 24.) Study Questions on Chapter 27 (Continued) 1. How is Paul’s faith evidenced in verse, 25? Do you thus believe God? 2. For how long a period was the ship driven by the wind and tossed? (v. 27.) 3. How do we know that Paul had really become the “skipper” of the ship, that he had taken over control when it became apparent that there was no possible human hope of deliv­ erance? (vv. 29-32.) 4. Was Paul ashamed to thank God for his daily food? (v. 35.) 5. How many passengers were aboard the shipwrecked vessel? (v. 37.) ( Continued) 1. Why did not the centurion per­ mit the slaying of the many prisoners aboard ship? (27:42-44.) 2. What was the name of the island on which the shipwrecked men landed? (28:1.) This is the historic Malta of the last war. 3. What miracle took place on this island? (vv. 2 - 6 .) 4. What was the effect of this mir­ acle on those who witnessed it? (v. 6 .) Do you see the providence of God in this happening? 5. Compare this miracle with the words of our Lord in Mark 16:18. Let us note that in times of special emer­ gency God can and does work mir­ acles when it is in keeping with His holy will. Study Questions on Chapter 28 (Continued) 1. What other miracles are record­ ed in this chapter? (w . 7-9.) 2. How did the inhabitants of the island feel about Paul by the time he was ready to depart from them? (v. 10 .) 3. How long was the crew on the island? (v. 1 1 .) 4. Follow the route of the group in your Bible atlas (w . 11-15). 5. How much time did Paul spend with the Christians who met him at Puteoli? (v. 14.) (To be continued next month.) Study Questions on Chapters 27 and 28

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by C hester J . P adgett

Study Questions on Chapter 25 (Continued) 1. Why did not Festus release Paul knowing that he was an inno­ cent man? (v. 9.) 2. What request did Festus make of Paul? (v. 9.) 3. Why did not Paul comply? (w. 10 , 1 1 .) 4. What appeal did Paul make? (v. 1 1 .) 5. What did this mean? (v. 12.) (Continued) 1. What other officials were inter­ ested in Paul’s case? (25:13-27.) 2. For what purpose had God saved Paul? (26:16-18.) 3. What was Paul’s response to the vision granted him? (w . 19, 20.) 4. What was Agrippa’s analysis of Paul as he heard him give his testi­ mony? (v. 24.) 5. What was the real effect of Paul’s witness to Agrippa? (v. 28.) ( Continued) 1. How is the earnestness of Paul in soul winning evidenced in 26:29? Do you have this same compassion? 2. How did Paul impress King Agrippa and his wife? (v. 31.) God knew that Agrippa would have liber­ ated Paul; why then do you think He permitted the appeal to Caesar? 3. How is Paul’s prophetic gift evi­ denced in 27:9, 10? How was his advice received by the centurion? (v. 11.) Is there evidence in Paul’s words of great wisdom on his part in matters of sailing, winds and seas? How do you suppose he acquired such knowledge? Study Questions on Chapters 25 and 26 Study Questions on Chapters'26 and 27




LOVE For A Friend see page 4

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