King's Business - 1957-03



God has wonderfully heard and answered the prayers o f faithful Hebrew Christians by recently establishing an indigenous church in Israel. And already new converts are being won to Christ. The testimonies o f these dedicated people are an in­ spiration and a blessing but the hard-pressed con­ gregation and their faithful leader need the help and support o f God’s people to keep this work going. Converts are being won not only in Israel but


among Jews throughout Western Europe. Churches are needed as are Hemes for children and for the aged. The International Alliance has the organization and the plans if you will but arm them with the means. Now is the appointed time; now indeed is the day o f salvation. Help us meet and checkmate Communism and other un­ christian forces arrayed against the people o f the Promised Land. Give as the Lord leads — and PRAY, pray for the work and the workers.

Church leaders from some 15* ting solid help for juniors and

jy|r. and Mrs. E. J. Foster of Detroit, Mich, sighed as they stared at the roll of the junior youth meeting at Trinity Baptist Church. Fifteen names in all. Yet they knew more of the juniors should attend. That was the age to ground them in the truth — but how to attract them? The answer was obvious — inter­ esting meetings. And that meant more ideas than they had found available so far. But the Fosters, with the encouragement of their pastor, Rev. David Falconer, went searching. They heard of the Chris­ tian Workers’ Service Bureau, sub­ scribed for their youth packet and tried the meeting plans. The enroll­ ment literally shot up to 59. The meeting programs had met the need, as Mrs. Foster wrote, “We had a special blessing from ‘The Wonderful Letter Meeting’ with 13 decisions for Christ. We are having decisions right along for baptism and church membership as well as first-time decisions for Christ. The juniors loved ‘The Jet Cadets in the Land of Giants’ and ‘The Tele­ phone Meeting.’ The competitive Bible Quiz, the Geography Song and the method of teaching the books of the Bible were all popular and effective.” These chock-full of ideas meet­ ings are produced by the Christian Workers’ Service Bureau. They come in two age groups: for juniors or teens. The 25 denominations using them find that the programs

TH E IN T E R N A T IO N A L H EBR EW CHR ISTIAN A L L IA N C E Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph.B.( B.D., Secretary



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