King's Business - 1957-03

comi ng . . . THE CHURCH IN THE MARCH ISSUE O F Moody Monthly ALSO . . . IS IT W R O N G F O R C H R IS T IA N S TO E N J O Y L U X U R IE S ? If not, where should we draw the line in this luxury-loving age in which we live? — A N D M A N Y OTHER H IG H U G H T S Special INTRODUCTORY Offer! TO NEW SUB SCR IB ER S k a 6 ISSUES FOR $1.00


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M O O D Y M O N T H LY 82 0 N. LaSalle Street Chicago 10, Illinois

Dept. K-57-685

I enclose SI.00, please send me 6 issues at the special introductory rate. (Canada, SI.15; foreign, SI.25.) Regular price S3 a year.

► denominations are now get- teens from this youth service

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by D O R O T H Y H A S K I N

SACRED PIANO SOLOS "There's a Wideness to God's Mercy"

THE LITTLE GIANT HOTOMATIC Gas Water Heater No. 3 Will supply all the hot water needed for Baptistries, Church Kitchens, Rest Rooms. Heats 450 GPH, 20° rise in temperature. Inexpensive, too.: Write for free folder. Dept. KB-22 LITTLE GIANT MFG. CO. 907 7th Street Orange, Texas

stress the points which win youth and help them grow in Christ. Be­ cause they are Christ-centered, the packets work equally as well in any one of the United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Great Britain and her pos­ sessions and South America. The man who okays the copy for the youth packets is George Santa, originator and director. The Lord used many people and circum­ stances to prepare Santa for this position. To begin with, the Lord had to get George for himself, and though George’s mother was a Christian and he attended church, he had no intention of becoming a Christian. He had life all planned out. He was going to be a writer, probably on a newspaper, but eventually he wanted to write a book that would take his name around the world. When he was attending college in Virginia, Minn., one of the young people’s sponsors, Mrs. Bhoda Mc­ Cullough, said, “ George, I want to send you to the C.E. training school in Minneapolis as a delegate.” Soft-spoken, polite George was embarrassed. He disliked offending by saying “No” but he was too honest to waste his friend’s money. He refused to go. But Mrs. McCul­ lough persisted so against his will, polite George went to the conven­ tion. He went to as few meetings as his conscience would allow and felt relieved when he was on his way home. George sat in the back seat

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