King's Business - 1957-03


Object Lessons

"Training Youth to Live since 1919”

John Brown University Siloam Springs, Arkansas Education for "Head, Heart and Hand" Brown Military Academy Son Diego 9, California Junior High — Senior High — Junior College Junior School— 1st thru 6th grades Southern California Military Academy Long Beach 6, California Pre-Kindergarten thru 9th grade

By Elmer L. Wilder, Th.D.

Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

print the word “ King.” Open the flaps and using the letters in the word “ King” complete the following words, “ Take, Liberties, Children, Belong­ ings.” Curve the bottom slightly and cut points in the top to make the paper look like a crown.) LESSON: Kings and crowns are asso­ ciated with each other. In looking at this crown you will notice the word “ King” printed down the mid­ dle of it. As we look at this crown we are reminded of the time when the elders of Israel came to Samuel and said, “ . . . make us a king to judge us like all the nations” (1 Sam. 8:5). We are told that this request dis­ pleased Samuel who was a faithful judge over Israel. He was a wise man and made it a matter of prayer. Here is God’s answer to Samuel’s prayer. “ And the L ord said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them . . . yet protest sol­ emnly unto them, and shew them the manner of the king that shall reign over them” (1 Sam. 8:7-9): When we open the crown we shall see some of the things which Sam­ uel told the children of Israel. We read, “ Take, Liberties, Children, Be­ longings.” They were not to have the freedom they had known under the judges. Their children would be made servants of the king and part of their belongings taken to supply the needs of the king’s household. “ Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us” (1 Sam. 8:19).

March 3, 1957 A R a r e R o c k

Brown School For Girls Glendora, California 1st Grade thru High School

OBJECT: A rock. (Use a crayon and write “ 1 Sam. 7:12” on it. Bring to the class in a paper sack.) LESSON: You will be surprised when you see what is in this sack.


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“ It is just an ordinary rock,” I hear someone say. Yes, it is an ordinary rock but I brought it with me to remind us of a very important rock mentioned in the Bible. There is a Bible reference printed on the side of this rock. It is 1 Samuel 7:12. For many years the ark of the Lord had been out of Israel’s posses­ sion because of sin. Samuel called on the people to repent of their sins, and when they did God gave them a great victory over their enemies, the Philistines. After the victory, in order that Israel might never forget the help God had been to them, Samuel set up the Ebenezer stone which meant, “ Hitherto hath the L ord helped us.” We wonder if the stone might not have been a reminder to the enemy as well as to Israel (1 Sam. 7:13). There are many times in the lives of Christians similar to the experi­ ence about which we have been thinking. When Christians in an hour of need forsake their sins and call upon God, He gives them deliverance.

Subscriptions to The K ing’s Business make excellent gifts.

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March 10, 1957 A K ing C osts

OBJECT: A crown made of gilt paper. (Use a piece of paper 11 x 5 inches. Fold each end the long way to within % inch of the middle which will leave a gap of inch. In this gap



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