It’s time to say goodbye to shoulder, elbow and wrist pain once and for all. Identifying the cause of your pain and taking steps to combat ill habits that may be contributing to your discomfort can have a significant impact on your quality of life.
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A L S O I N S I D E : You Have Treatment Options • Exercise Essentials • Healthy Recipe Patient Success Spotlight • Socialize With Total Performance PT! Getting A Hand On Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain
Getting A Hand On Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain
It’s time to say goodbye to shoulder, elbow and wrist pain once and for all. Identifying the cause of your pain and taking steps tocombat illhabitsthatmaybecontributingtoyourdiscomfort can have a significant impact on your quality of life. Wave goodbye to pain in your hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders with targeted techniques from your experienced physical therapists. What is Causing the Pain? Think about the tasks that make up the majority of your day- to-day life. It is often said that life in the 21st century is way easier on the body than life during any other time in human history —and it’s true that there is a fair amount of evidence to supportthis idea.Ratherthanspendingallofyourdaysworking in a factory or on a farm, the vast majority of Americans work indoors, often at a computer for a predetermined number of hours week after week. But this new lifestyle isn’t exactly harmless for the body, either. There are plenty of ways in which the common tasks of 21st- century lifeputthebodyunderagreatdealofstress.Sedentary lifestyles frequently contribute to weight gain, which increases your risk for a long list of obesity-related diseases. This puts additional stress on your body, which could result in pain in crucial joints like your shoulders, elbows and yes, even your
wrists. But even aside from that, there are a lot of potential issuesthatyourbodycan faceasaresultofsedentarybehavior in the workplace — including shoulder, elbow and wrist pain. Shoulder, elbow and wrist injuries are especially common as a result of workplace injury and overuse. While it is sometimes possible to take action to prevent an injury from developing, it is especially important to be able to recognize when an injury developsandtounderstandwaysthatyoucancombatthat injury by identifying what may have caused the pain to develop in the firstplace.Common issuesthatcan leadtoshoulder,wristand elbow pain include: • Issues with poor posture • Carpal tunnel syndrome, which can develop from overuse of thewristandregular,repetitivemotions,suchas typing • Heavy lifting
• Athletic injuries • Muscle sprain • Muscle strain • Dislocation or hyperextension of the joints
Call Total Performance Physical Therapy at 215.997.9898 or visit to schedule your appointment today!
You Have Treatment Options! Stay A Neck Ahead Of Chronic Pain!
This is why so many issues regarding pain in the shoulder, elbows and wrists typically become chronic. Since it is difficult to allow these body parts time to properly rest, they continue being overused and the pain can actually worsen. Treating Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist Pain. Addressing the pain early on is the best way to prevent an issue from becomingchronic.Turningtomedicationandbracesforpainmanagement is not a long-term solution and will only push off the inevitable truth — that you need to find a solution for the problem that is causing you pain. Physical therapy is the ideal tool forsupport in thisregard.Workingwith a physical therapist will provide you with an opportunity to understand what movements may be causing further discomfort, and can help you tostrengthenthesurroundingmuscleswhile improvingrangeofmotion, which together will likely alleviate some of the pain associated with your injury. Don’t assume that pain in your shoulder, elbows or wrists will go away on itsown. It ismorecommon for thepain toworsen,andcompensating for the pain by overusing the opposite arm can cause further injury to develop. For support with learning how tomanage the pain, and to learn exercises and techniques that can help you overcome the injury and restore proper strength and functionality to your shoulders, elbows and wrists, contact your physical therapist. Call Total Performance Physical Therapy at 215.997.9898 or visit to schedule your appointment today! Have You Met Your Deductible? An insurance deductible is the amount of money that you pay before your insurance company pays for your medical services. If you’ve met your deductible, your Physical Therapy may not cost you anything! Patients with family plans or those who have had major surgeries or have a chronic illness are especially likely to have a $0 balance remaining on their out-of-pocket expenses. If you’ve met your deductible and are seeking pain relief or rehabilitation, now is the time to visit Total Performance PT! Call us today at 215.997.9898 to schedule an appointment with one of our physical therapists. We’ll guide you to affordable treatments that will place you one step closer to pain relief.
One of the biggest concerns regarding pain in the shoulder, elbow and wrist isthat it isdifficultto impossibletoactuallyallowthesepartsofthe body time to rest. Every movement and action requires these body parts — and when the pain develops in both arms, as it often does, treating the pain becomes even more complicated. It is impossible to care for your basic needs without involving your shoulder or wrist, let alone get through a day at the office.
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We’ve Been Featured In:
Celebrating National Physical Therapy Month!
OCTOBER IS NATIONAL PHYSICAL THERAPY MONTH! That’s right, October is dedicated to educating people about the benefits of Physical Therapy—and it couldn’t come at a better time. Winter is one of the most trying times of the year for people struggling with chronic pain. Add the risk of falling due to icy conditions to the cold weather that aggravates even the mildest arthritis issue and you’ll find a huge increase of people who would benefit from pain management and support.
If you’re suffering from pain, don’t wait to seek out physical therapy! The longer you wait, the more likely issues are in danger of becoming chronic and will become more difficult to hear. Back pain, specifically, is one of the most common problems that become chronic, with over 30% of adults struggling with back pain, even more so for adults over the age of 65. If you’re suffering from back pain or other injuries, call Total Performance Physical Therapy to begin your journey to recovery!
Healthy Recipe Caramel Coconut Popcorn
Patient Success!
INGREDIENTS • 1/3 cup French vanilla Coconut Creamer • 1/2 cup unpopped kernels • 1/2 cup vegan butter • 3 Tbsp agave nectar, amber
• 1/2 cup dark brown sugar • 1/2 tbsp cinnamon • 1/4 tsp salt • 1/4 cup dried coconut flakes, unsweetened, toasted • 1 tsp vanilla
“ I just love Total Performance physical therapy! Everyone
there is so friendly and helpful. I have never felt
better since I have been going to Total Performance physical therapy. I would recommend this place to anyone that needs therapy!”
INSTRUCTIONS Pop favorite popcorn from yellow corn kernels over stove top or use favorite microwave popcorn brand. Spread on baking sheet and set aside. In a saucepan, melt vegan spread and stir in the agave, brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt until dissolved. Take the pan off the heat and slowly whisk in the creamer until well combined. Return to heat, and continue to whisk for 10 minutes or until sauce reaches an amber color and thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon. Stir in coconut flakes and vanilla. Let cool slightly beforedrizzlingoverpopcorn.Drizzlemixtureoverpopcornandblend inwithaspatula.Serve immediately. *This recipe issharedcourtesyofSoDeliciousDairyFree.
- Jane E.
Exercise Essentials Relieve Shoulder Pain In Minutes!
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Always consult with your physical therapist before performing an exercise in order to relieve pain. Shoulder Flexion Lie down on your back on a flat surface with your arms up. Lower your arms out to the sides, keeping your core tight. Repeat 6-10 times throughout the day to relieve shoulder pain.
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