it. Have cash handy, since ATMs and card readers will likely be down for at least several days. And finally, avoid driving or walking through flooded areas. They may be deeper than they appear and could be electrically charged by submerged powerlines.
The best way to keep you and your family safe during a hurricane is to not be there when it makes landfall. Know which routes you can take to get inland, including detours in case of road closures. Also, keep a “go bag” in your car with water, nonperishable food, and other essentials — traffic during an evacuation may keep your family in the car for quite a long time. Finally, if your pets won’t be able to come with you, contact your local Humane Society ahead of time to find out about pet shelters.
Inspired by Food & Wine Magazine
Adapted from a recipe by famed Southern chef Sean Brock, these skewers are seasoned in a Senegalese style and served alongside mustard-flavored onions.
For the lamb: •
For the onions: •
2 lbs. trimmed leg of lamb, cut into 1-inch cubes 1 tbsp peanut oil, plus more for grilling Salt and black pepper, to taste
1/2 cup distilled white vinegar
the time of the bite, they can argue you didn’t do enough to stop the attack from happening. This means you may be facing civil charges, and, in some cases, criminal charges.
• • • •
1/2 cup Dijon mustard 1/2 tbsp agave nectar
1 yellow onion, thinly sliced Salt and white pepper, to taste
In cases where your dog causes serious bodily harm or death, you could face criminal negligence charges. The same is true if your dog has been deemed “dangerous” by animal control, and attacks someone outside of their enclosure. When faced with these serious charges, having an expert Texas defense lawyer on your team can help keep you and your pet safe.
Bamboo skewers
1. In a bowl, coat lamb with 1 tbsp oil and generously season with salt and pepper. 2. In a mixing bowl, whisk together vinegar, mustard, and agave nectar. Toss in onions and season with salt and pepper.
Remember, most dogs are gentle by nature and usually only attack when they feel frightened or threatened. All of the civil and criminal charges above assume your pet attacked unprovoked, so if someone was being rough or intimidating to your dog before the bite, the onus is on them. Still, it’s best to keep even good-natured dogs fenced in or on leashes while in public. That way you and your pet can avoid a costly incident.
3. Heat a grill or grill pan to medium and oil the grates. 4. Thread lamb on skewers and grill for 6–8 minutes. 5. Serve alongside onions.
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