G3 PT. Neck Pain & Stress


Take Part In G3 Events! Free Lower Back Pain & Sciatica Workshop Saturday, June 22 • 10 am - 11 am Have you missed work due to lower back pain or sciatica? Have you skipped out on family vacations or activities you love because your back pain is too much? Has your pain, numbness or discomfort prevented you from living life to the fullest? Have you tried EVERYTHING just to get back to normal? We have a free workshop event just for you! Find out how you can relieve years of low back pain and sciatica with natural methods without the use of medications, injections, or surgery.

Stretch Your Brain!

Be the first to answer all questions correctly, and you’ll win a $5 Starbucks Gift Card! Email your answers to info@g3.life !

1. Which bird has eyes bigger than its brain?

2. Who was the first U.S. president to be impeached?

3. Which water sport is the official state individual sport of Hawaii?

Whole Body Core Class Saturdays • 8 am - 9 am

4. Ganymede, the largest moon in our solar system, belongs to which planet?

This one-of-a-kind class uses a patented Pelvicore ball designed to strengthen your pelvic floor without a Kegel. This experience blends the elements of Yoga, Pilates, and functional movements to improve core strength and flexibility, for a complete core training, whole body mobility and strengthening.

5. When referring to the music genre, what does “R&B” stand for?

6. What song does Jiminy Cricket famously sing during the opening credits of Pinocchio?

Free Friend Day! • June 1 Free Whole Body Core Class for you and your friends!

For more information or to register for this event, contact G3 Physical Therapy & Wellness at 760.452.2640 or email info@g3.life !

Exercise Essentials

Patient Success Spotlight

“I’m now 59 and feel better than I did at 45!” “I came to G3 with back and neck pain from years at the computer. I would get up from the computer stiff every day. Miketaughtmetomovetheentire body and the importance of mobility in the hips, mid-back, ankles, etc. I now do some part of the G3 workout every


Stand with your feet at shoulder width, hands at chest height, and shoulders down. Take a small step forward into an easy lunge. Simultaneouslyrotateyourhands overyour lunge legwhilekeeping your eyes fixed straight ahead. Bring your hands back in front of you at chest height as you return tothestartingposition.Perform10 repetitions on both legs.

dayathome,and themore intensive“coreconversion”regularly. I’m now59and feelbetter than Ididat45! Ihadn’tbeenable torunsince my late 30s and now I’m running regularly. I didn’t think I would be able tobackpackagain,and Idid two trips lastsummer! ThanksMike and G3! You guys are the best.” - Peter S.

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