G3 PT. Neck Pain & Stress

Meet The Staff Thomas Henson

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Tom,originally fromHawaii,has lived inSanDiegosince2004. He received his Bachelor of Science in Psychology from UC Santa Barbara and his Doctor of Physical Therapy from San Diego State University. His interest in Applied Functional Science (AFS) began during physical therapy school, and after understanding that AFS provides the most efficient and comprehensiveapproach torehabilitation,hedecided itwashis career path of choice. Tom has received several certifications from the Gray Institute for Applied Functional Science, and is currentlyworking towardshisFellowship inAppliedFunctional Sciencewith theGray Institute forFunctionalTransformation.

• Free Lower Back Pain and Sciatica Workshop June 22 • FREE Event

• “ Restore The Core” Workout Class Saturdays • 8 am - 9 am • “ Restore The Core” Free Friend Day! June 1 • 8 am - 9 am • Free Pain Consultation Call 760.452.2640 to schedule!

Inhisspare time,Tomenjoyshiking,surfing,orridinghisbike.

Thomas Henson, PT, DPT

Healthy Recipe Berry Almond Smoothie Bowl

Letter From The Owner

Funny thing happened to me last month after doing a hard workout--I had a “massive” heart attack. As I was catching my breath after doing our “signature” high intensity workout (core conversion) at the gym, I started getting some chest pain that I first thought was just my lungs burning because I had worked so hard. When the pain got worse, and my heart rate didn’t go down like it usually does, I was pretty sure I was in trouble. Long story short, due to the amazing work by the EMTs and Scripps Encinitas, I was diagnosed with a 100% blockage of the LAD artery (the “Widowmaker”!), and was a recipient of an angioplasty with stent, all within about an hour (might be a world record)!! I spent 2 nights in the ICU, sent home with a half dozen pills to take, with instructions to eat healthy and slowly work my way back to activity. SincethefirstnightinthehospitalIhavefeltgreatand,believeitornot,feelithasbeenahugeblessing indisguise.Becauseofmyheartattack,a fewwonderfulrealizationshavehitme likeatonofbricks: 1) I’m very lucky to be alive; 2) I’ve got to get super serious about living a healthy lifestyle (which I thought I was already doing); 3) I’m very lucky to have an incredibly loving and wonderful wife and 2 daughters; 4) I’m incredibly lucky to have amazingly supportive friends; and, finally, 5) I’m incredibly lucky to have an amazingly loving and supportive G3 family. By my G3 family, I mean the incredible staff and, equally importantly, our incredible “partners”- -our patients. The amount of love, prayers, and support that I have received from our patients has been nothing short of humbling and inspiring. I know how blessed I am, and how rare it is to have a “third” family. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all your love and support. I can only hope that we can be half as loving and supportive of you as you’ve been to me.


• ⅔ cup frozen organic raspberries • ½ cup frozen sliced organic banana • ½ cup plain unsweetened almond milk • 5 tbsp sliced almonds, divided • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon • ⅛ tsp ground cardamom • ⅛ tsp vanilla extract • ¼ cup organic blueberries • 1 tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes Instructions Blendraspberries,banana,almondmilk,3 tablespoons almonds,cinnamon,cardamomandvanilla inablender until very smooth. Pour the smoothie into a bowl and top with blueberries, the remaining 2 tablespoons almonds and coconut.

See you in the clinic!

- Michael Van Gilder, PT, DPT, FAFS

For more information, visit our website at g3.life or follow us on social media at @G3Wellness

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