Benchmarking survey report 2023

Payrolls For in-house respondents, 79% processed payrolls completely in-house and 21% were partially outsourced.

Where does the team sit? Which department does payroll sit within?

11% were a standalone department, 38% were within the finance department, 47% were within the human resources (HR) department, and 4% stated ‘Other’. Those that stated ‘Other’ commented: ● Combination of HR and finance – both teams work closely on monthly payroll ● Pension administration sits with finance.

Are your payrolls processed completely in-house or partially in house?

21% Partially outsourced

79% Processed completely in-house

38% Within the finance department

11% Standalone department

For payroll service providers, 12% were partially outsourced to them, 69% were completely outsourced to them and 19% were a mixture of both.

4% Other

As a service provider, are the payrolls you process partially or completely outsourced to you?

12% Partially outsourced to service provider

47% Within the human resources department

69% Processed completely in-house

19% Mixture of both


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