Combustion Catalog | Fives North American

Sheet 2921-1 Page 3




Filter-Silencer Designation



Silencer Filter-Silencer








2311-26/1-––2 2311-26/1-––3 2311-26/1-––5 2311-35/1-––7.5 2311-35/1-––10 2311-33/1-––15 2311-33/1-––20 2311-41/1-––25 2411-D-––5D 2411-D-––7.5D 2411-F-––T7.5D ‡ 2411-F-––10D 2411-F-––15D 2411-F-––20D 2411-G-––20 2411-G-––25 2411-G-––30 2314-19/2-––1.5 2314-26/2-––2 2314-26/2-––3 2314-26/2-––5 2314-35/1-––7.5 2314-35/1-––10 2314-21/1-––15 2314-33/1-––20 2314-33/1-––25 2314-33/1-––30

2923-8-26A 2923-10-26A 2923-12-26A 2923-18-35A 2923-18-35A 2923-22-33A

2936-8-26 2942-8-26A 2936-8-26 2942-10-26A 2936-8-26 2942-12-26A

2414-F-––T7.5D ‡ 2414-F-––10D 2414-F-––15D 2414-F-––20D

2923-18-F 2923-18-F 2923-22-F 2923-22-F

2936-12-F 2936-12-F 2936-12-F 2936-12-F

2942-18-F 2942-18-F 2942-22-F 2942-22-F



23165-14/3-––1.5 2923-8-14A

— —

2942-8-14A 2942-8-19B 2942-8-26A 2942-10-26A 2942-14--35A 2942-14-35A 2942-18-21A 2942-22-33A 2942-22.5-33A 2942-30-33A



23165-19/2-––2 23165-26/2-––3 23165-26/2-––5

2923-8-19B 2923-8-26A 2923-10-26A

2936-12-33 2942-22-33A

2936-8-26 2936-8-26 2936-9-35 2936-9-35 2936-10-21 2936-12-33

2923-22.5-33A 2936-12-33 2942-22.5-33A


2936-16-41 2942-30-41A

23165-35/2-––7.5 2923-14-35A

2923-18-D 2923-18-D 2923-18-F 2923-18-F 2923-22-F

2936-10-D 2936-10-D 2936-12-F 2936-12-F 2936-12-F

2942-18-D 2942-18-D 2942-18-F 2942-18-F 2942-22-F

23165-35/2-––10 2923-14-35A



23165-33/1-––20 2923-22-33A

23165-33/1-––25 2923-22.5-33A 2936-12-33

23165-33/1-––30 2923-30-33A





24165-F-––10D 24165-F-––15D 24165-F-––20D 2322-19/3-––3 2322-19/3-––5 2322-28/2-––7.5 2322-28/2-––10 2322-21/2-––15 2322-21/2-––20 2322-21/2-––25 2322-33/2-––30

2923-18-F 2923-22-F 2923-22-F

2936-12-F 2936-12-F 2936-12-F

2942-18-F 2942-22-F 2942-22-F

2921-2003-6/G 2936-20-G 2941-2003-6/G 2921-2003-6/G 2936-20-G 2941-2003-6/G 2921-2003-9/G 2936-20-G 2941-2003-9/G

2923-8-19B 2923-8-19B 2923-14-28A 2923-14-28A 2923-18-21A 2923-18-21A 2923-18-21A 2923-22-33A

— —

2942-8-19B 2942-8-19B 2942-14-28A 2942-14-28A 2942-18-21A 2942-18-21A 2942-18-21A 2942-22-33A 2942-18-21A 2942-18-21A 2942-18-21A

2923-8-19A 2923-8-26A 2923-10-26A 2923-10-26A 2923-14-35A 2923-18-35A 2923-18-21A 2923-30-33A 2923-30-33A


2936-8-26 2942-8-26A 2936-8-26 2942-10-26A 2936-8-26 2942-10-26A

2936-9-28 2936-9-28 2936-10-21 2936-10-21 2936-10-21 2936-12-33 2936-10-21 2936-10-21 2936-10-21





2936-10-21 2942-18-21A

2923-22.5-33A 2936-12-33 2942-22.5-33A

23305-21/2-––20 2923-18-21A 23305-21/2-––25 2923-18-21A 23305-21/2-––30 2923-18-21A

2936-12-33 2942-30-33A 2936-12-33 2942-30-33A

‡ TEFC only. Notes:

Series 2921 are panel filters and the designations are descriptive. For example, in the designation 2921-1602-6/44, the 16 means 16" pipe size; the 02 means 2 sections long (the sections are four-sided and each can hold a maximum of 4 filter panels); 6 means 6 filter panels (out of a potential for 8 in this case); the 44 means the case number. When ordering, add a final T or W. T means the filter pan- els are a throwaway type--replace with new filter panels when they get dirty. W means washable filter panels are furnished. W models have a higher initial cost than T models. In general, Series 2921 Panel Filters are offered for blowers having an open rating of 6000 cfm or more. Series 2923 Filters are the Air-Maze type. All North American blower filter assemblies are offered with the choice of either of two ele- ments: Add suffix W to filter designation for the oil-wetted metal screen filter which may be cleaned and reused indefinitely, or add T for the paper element which is thrown away and replaced when dirty. The paper elements have a cellulose resin impregnated filter medium that is rated at 20 micron absolute, and 99.2% effective for particles of 5 micron size and larger. At any time in the field a complete filter assembly is easily converted to the other style by exchanging the type of element in it. In general, Series 2923 Filters are offered for blowers having an open rating of less than 6000 cfm. Series 2936 Silencers are matched to blowers by inlet pipe size, and are offered for all North American blowers having inlet pipe size of 6" or more. A 2936-8-24 Silencer would fit a 24 case blower with 6" inlet. We offer combination filter-silencers for blowers having inlets of less than 6" pipe size.

Series 2941 Filter-Silencer combinations consist of Series 2921 Filter with a 2936 Silencer enclosed within it. The 2941 Filter-Silencer combination therefore has the same external dimensions as the corresponding 2921 Filter only.

Series 2942 Filter-Silencer combinations are offered for all blowers for which a Series 2923 Filter only is offered (even when a 2936 Silencer only is not offered).

If a blower has a Series 2923 Filter (size 6" threaded or larger) you can convert to a Series 2942 Filter-Silencer by ordering a Series 2942S Silencer, same size and price as the corresponding Series 2936 Silencer listed on this sheet for that blower. (The 2936 Silencer has a cover completing the assembly, while the 2942S has instead a flange for mounting the filter. The silencer portion is always mounted to the blower, and the filter to the silencer.)

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