Combustion Catalog | Fives North American

Capacities | High Pressure Gas Regulators

Table C. 7337A/B/C-4 Capacities (continued)

Outlet Pressure psig unless otherwise noted

Capacities in scfh

Inlet Pressure psig

1/2" orifice 3/4" orifice 1" orifice

40200 39400 35500 30400 21600 49200 48500 44500 40500 33400 24300 58200 57400 53200 50000 44600 67200 66000 63500 59500

7 and less 10 15 20 25 10 and less 15 20 25 30 35 15 and less 20 25 30 35 20 and less

11600 11300 10000 8750 6300 14200 14000 12800 11700 9800 7000 16800 16500 15400 14500 13000 19400 19000 18500 17000

24500 24000 21700 18500 13200 30000 29500 27200 24500 20400 14800 35500 35000 32500 30500 27100 41000 40500 39000 36400 52000 62500 76500




25 30 35


35 and less 35 and less 35 and less 35 and less

80 100 125 150

24600 29800 36300 41000

Table D. Materials of Construction

Orifi ce

Diaphragm Plate



Body Diaphragm Casing, and Spring Case

Buna-A with Nylon Fabric Insert

Cast Iron



Plated Steel


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