Installation Procedure | 1154A Wafer Valves
Insert the valve between the flanges and assemble the valve body to the flanges with all required flange bolts. DO NOT USE FLANGE GASKETS. 1154A Valve seat has a molded-in O-ring that effects a positive seal against standard ANSI flange faces. (North American product lines 8767A, B, C, and E.)
Turn the disk to full-open position. Center the valve body to the flanges, and tighten the bolts handtight. Slowly close the valve to check for adequate disk clearance. Return disk to full-open position and cross-tighten all bolts to proper torque specification.
Open pipework to allow free valve entry. Rotate valve stem clockwise to position disk edge about 3/8" from the outside edge of the seat (semi-closed position). This will protect disk edge, and reduce rubber interface and initial torque build-up.
DO NOT install with disk in fully closed position. This will cause seat distor- tion. When flange bolts are tightened, rubber will close around disk edge creating excessive torque in initial operation.
INCORRECT pipe alignment will cause interference between disk edge and flange face creating leakage, excessive torque and damage to disk and seat.
DO NOT install valve with pipework spread insufficiently. This will damage the valve seat. Installing valve with disk in full-open position as shown, will impact flange and damage disk edge.
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