Combustion Catalog | Fives North American

Tile Installation Instructions | Tempest®

Square Block Refractory Tile in Brick or Monolithic Wall Installation Instructions (see Figure 4)

Square Block Refractory in Fiber Wall Installation Instructions (see Figure 3)

Please consider using a ceramic tile for a fiber wall (See Figure 1)

1. Cut square opening in furnace shell. Allow ¼” (6) clearance all the way around the tile. The hole size in the shell for 4441-1 through -4-B is 8" (203) square hole and for 4441-5 through -7 is 10½" (267) square hole. 2. Make a hole in the wall. We recommend a minimum gap of 9" (229) between the tile and the monolithich/brick wall for the castable/rammed material. 3. Bolt burner to furnace shell. We recommend using a flanged burner with a gasket at this joint for applications with pressur- ized chambers. A burner mounting gasket is available from North American. 4. Use a castable or rammed material to support and secure tile. Provide a shelf support angle to support castable or rammed material.

1. Cut square opening in furnace shell. Allow ¼” (6) clearance all the way around the tile and jacket.

2. Cut a hole for the burner tile and jacket in fiber wall. The hole should be approximately ½” (13) smaller than the jacket to allow the fiber to be tight up against the jacket. 3. Insert tile with metal jacket into the fiber wall. We suggest a metal jacket around the tile to support the refractory. Do not use a metal jacket for application higher than 1800°F (982°C). For temperatures above 1800°F (982°C), please see Figure 4 for the recommended tile installation. 4. Bolt burner to furnace shell. We recommend using a flanged burner with a gasket at this joint for applications with pressur- ized chambers. A burner mounting gasket is available from North American.

5. Use densely packed ceramic fiber around castable or rammed material to act as an expansion joint.

6. Waterproofing may be required to prevent surrounding refrac- tory from absorbing water from castable refractory. Using a plastic sheet to waterproof is recommended.

See Supplement DF-M1 for a more detailed explanation of this installation.

Monolithic/Brick Material Ceramic Fiber

Ceramic Fiber

Castable/Rammed Material

Figure 3: Cross section through a fiber wall with square block refractory tile. Includes metal jacket for tile sup- port.

Figure 4: Cross section through a hard wall with square block refractory tile.

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