traitor. I have never known anyone who has named his child Judas, have you? The very word meant “betray er.” In a similar manner, there are the patriarchs of the Old Testament who were given wonderful names. Reuben meant “a son of his father.” A son is one who is like his father. All Christians who walk with God, serv ing the Lord, are called “sons.” We are to be like our heavenly Father even as Reuben was like his earthly father. Simon meant, “scholarship.” Here was an educated, cultured and refined boy. Levi meant, “lordship.” First we have sonship, then scholarship, and now lordship as we continually turn our lives over to Christ. Judah meant, “worship.” Here is one who loves his Lord singing and praising Him throughout the day. Dan meant, “judgeship.” We need those who base their decisions upon evidence and not hearsay. Naphtali meant, “workmanship.” Do we desire the Lord to do His eternal work in and through us? We ought to want Him to make us the kind of person we should be for eternity. Gad meant “companionship.” How wonderful to have the Lord by our side at all times. We can go to Him with all our burdens. He can be touched with the feeling of our in firmities. Every man needs someone in whom he confides. Jesus is a Friend who sticketh closer than a brother. Asher meant, “fellowship.” This has been described as being joined up together in the same job, project, or goal. Issachar meant, “partner ship.” This is one who shares profit as well as loss. The Lord is vitally interested in such things as your health and even the smallest thing of your life. Zebulun meant, “com radeship” which refers particularly to loving each other as they work and serve together. How wonderful to know this relationship with the Lord. Joseph meant, “leadership.” How sweet it is to know the Lord so well that He gives you the opportunity to be a leader in the church. This
doesn’t mean socially, but the more important area of spiritually. Ben jamin meant, “heirship.” The Bible tells us that through salvation we become joint heirs with Christ. How meaningful are these names, showing us that through faith we ONLY W A IT Oft there comes a gentle whisper o'er me stealing, When my burdens seem to me too great. Like the sweet voiced bells of eve ning softly pealing, It Is saying to my spirit, “Only wait." When I cannot understand my Fa ther's leading, And It seems to be but hard and cruel fate; Still I hear that sweet voiced angel ever saying: “Tho' I tarry, it is coming— only wait." When I see the wicked prosper in their sinning And the righteous pressed by many a cruel strait, I remember this is only the begin ning, And whisper to my spirit, "Only wait." Oh, how little soon will seem our hardest sorrow, And how trifling is our present brief estate, Could we see It in the light of Heav en's tomorrow— Oh, how easy would it be to only wait. I have chosen my eternal portion yonder, I am onward pressing toward the heavenly gate, And tho' oft along the path I weep and wonder, Still I hear the angel whisper: "Only wait." can have sonship, scholarship, lord- ship, workmanship, judgeship, work manship, companionship, fellowship, partnership, comradeship, leadership, and heirship. Go in for the best God has for you so that you can be a useful and worthwhile Christian. 14
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