Give us unfailing wisdom as a people Lest we forget thy Wortl, thy Way, and thy Will; We would be humble knowing our dependence Upon thee, gracious Lord. Be with us still. Help us keep our precious priceless freedom; Give us the courage and the strength to stand Foursquare, for right, whatever foe may threaten, And make us worthy of our much blest land. — Grace Noll Crowell DISAPPO INTMENT "Disappointment— His appointment." Change one letter, then I see That the thwarting of my purpose Is God's better choice for me. His appointment must be blessing. Though it may come in disguise, For the end from the beginning Open to His wisdom lies. "Disappointment— His appointment." Whose? The Lord's, who loves me best Understands and knows me fully. Who my faith and love would test; For, like loving earthly parent, He rejoices when He knows That His child accepts, unquestioned, All that from His wisdom flows. "Disappointment— His appointment." No good thing will He withhold. From denials oft we gather Treasures of His love untold. Well He knows each broken purpose Leads to fully, deeper trust, And the end of ail His dealings Proves our God is wise and just. "Disappointment— His appointment." Lord, I take it, then, as such, Like the clay in hands of potter, Yielding wholly to thy touch. All my life's plan is thy molding, Not one single choice be .nine; Let me answer, unrepining— "Father, not my will, but Thine!"
W A L K IN G A LL THE W A Y I walk in danger all the way. The thought shall never leave me That Satan, who has marked his prey, Is plotting to deceive me. This foe with hidden snares May seize me unawares If e'er I fail to watch and pray. I walk in danger all the way. I walk with angels all the way, They shield me and befriend me; All Satan's power is held at bay When heavenly hosts attend me; They are my sure defense. All fears and sorrows, hence! Unharmed by foes, do what they may, I walk with angels all the way. I walk with Jesus all the way, His guidance never fails me; Within His wounds I find a stay When Satan's power assails me; And by His footsteps led, M y path I safely tread, In spite of ills that come what may, I walk with Jesus all the way. M y walk is heavenward all the way. Await my soul, the morrow. When thou shalt find release for aye A NA T IO N PRAYS Out of the night— out of the raging tumult Of wars and rumors of wars, a nation prays Earnestly to the gracious God of our fathers. For help and mercy in our troubled days. Forgive, O Lord, our countless faults and failures; Open our bolden eyes that we may see That the only safe highroad for any nation To travel is the road marked out by Thee. From all thy sin and sorrow. All worldly pomp, be gone! To heaven I now press on. For all the world I would not stay; M y walk is heavenward all the way.
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